The ECSEL Coalition The Pennsylvania State University
ECSEL (Engineering Coalition of Schools for Excellence in Education and Leadership) is a coalition of seven schools and colleges of engineering engaged in a five-year effort to renew undergraduate engineering education and its infrastructure, making engineering as a profession attractive to a broader spectrum of youth.
ECSEL is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) as part of the Engineering Education Coalitions Program.
What does ECSEL do?
The ECSEL Program at Penn State University Park has undertaken many projects in the past few years, including the design and construction of a sailplane, a class in engine design, and the creation of an experimental computer classroom. For more information on ECSEL's projects, click here.
(This page is still under construction)
Where is ECSEL?
ECSEL is part of the Engineering Education Center. The Center's offices are located in 202 Rider II Building, on the corner of South Burrowes Street and West Beaver Avenue.
The office phone number is (814) 865-4020. The primary contact for ECSEL at Penn State is Margaret Scott, The Principal Investigator is Thomas Litzinger,
For a directory of ECSEL personnel, click here.
ECSEL beyond Penn State
To find out about ECSEL programs outside of Penn State, click here.
Brian Panulla,