Welcome to the H1 Experiment at DESY in Hamburg

There is some HELP available for the newcomer and information on the H1 Server

Your comments are welcome.

H1 information

People -- Institutes -- Organization and General Phone Numbers
Lists of Publications and Theses and ps files of Papers and Pictures
Physics Working Groups and Detector Groups
H1 news groups (pinboards)
Status of HERA -- H1 and H1 luminosity
Homepages of some H1 groups
Aachen , Hamburg, Heidelberg, Dortmund, MPI-München, Wuppertal, Zeuthen
Brussels, Ecole Polytechnique, Lancaster, London, Lund , Manchester,
Moscow(HEPD of LPI), Orsay, Prague, RAL, ETH-Zürich, Uni-Zürich

H1 Internal information

You have to be logged on to the dice2, some other H1 servers or enter with your dice2 loggon name and password to access this information.

Some selected links to DESY , other HEP institutes and HEP information:

DESY:-- ZEUS -- ZEUS luminosity -- HERMES -- HERA-B
CERN and Experiments On-line collected at SLAC and the Particle Data Group
Link to the preprint database HEP-EX and QSPIRES

Selected Conference Information

Some shortcuts to other information:

DESY-Phone -- User-Support -- Library and Lager-Catalog
CERN-Phone -- CERN-Dates and CERN-Software
Physics News -- and -- the www virtual library
Postleitzahlen -- Railroad Info and WWW resource maps
Hamburg Information -- or -- Meteosat Europe

There are some additional services available and some personal pages of H1 people

Last updated: May 30, 1995 by FN