Welcome to the WORLD WIDE WEB service of the ENTERTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY CENTER at USC .The ETC is sponsored by a consortium of companies interested in developing practical applications of emerging technologies for the entertainment industry. One such project is HollyNet, another is the Integrated Studio Project and a third is the ATM/CalREN project

We are soliciting content!
If you are a provider of services, products, media, or information of relevance to those involved or interested in any stage of production in the entertainment industry and you would like to provide such information or services over the web we would be happy to discuss providing that exposure. Contact us at the addresses at the bottom of this page.

ETC OVERVIEW provides information about the history and goals of the ETC, the companies and individuals who make up the ETC, and a forum for discussions about the ETC.

THE INTEGRATED STUDIO PROJECT is developing an integrated information infrastructure for motion picture, television, and multimedia production studios.
HOLLYNET is the ETC's on-line directory of entertainment related services. Currently, it is still in development. When complete HollyNet will provide on-line information, ordering, rentals, cataloguing, as well as searchable databases and other dynamic functions.
THE ATM/CalREN PROJECT is researching the potential for using ATM lines, a high speed fiber service, to facillitate education and entertainment projects via remote computer resources.

The following listings provide services or information relating to entertainment technology:

ETC GOPHER is our contribution to gopherspace. ETC gopher is a text based resource providing information relating to research and development, production, post-production, distribution, and exhibition of entertainment products and services.
SCHOOL OF CINEMA TELEVISION is a resource for students at the school and those on the internet interested in finding out more about USC's CNTV department.

For further information contact:

David Belson - Ph#: (213) 740-6207, Email: belson@usc.edu

For HollyNet(tm) general correspondence: hollynet@isp.usc.edu

For ETC general correspondence: etc@isp.usc.edu

Special thanks to all the people who make ETC possible, and to our sponsors: