CUI The Language List

The Language List is an attempt to enumerate all known programming languages. It is maintained by Bill Kinnersley and is periodically published on comp.lang.misc.

This service is provided in collaboration with Software Composition Group, University of Berne.

Current Version: 2.3

Search Language List:
You can also view the Introduction and the Appendix to the Language List, and you may be interested to browse The Free Compilers List.

An ftp home for both lists is at: (files "FreeCompilers*" and "LanguageList*").

See also:
Information on Computing Languages (at CERN) and
Everyday Computing: Systems, Languages, and Software (at CMU).
Programming Languages (at Indiana U.)
Hints on searching: This search engine is case-insensitive. To retrieve only entries for a given language, use a query of the form `name="language"', for example: `name="smalltalk"'

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