CSUGRAD's World Wide Web Server

Welcome to the CS Undergraduate Web Server at Virginia Tech, in Blacksburg, Va! This web server is in a constant state of flux (as all good web servers should be), so please be patient if things don't work exactly as expected. This server is operated under a disclaimer.

"Go to, go to!"*

Local Services Index
Index of local WWW and Gopher servers.
On The Web
Got a favorite web surfing hot spot? Tell us about it here! Wanna find out about some web surfing hot spots? Check out our list, contributed by fellow web surfers.
Web Navigation
Some tools and documents to help you find your way around the web.
Levity 101
The funny, frivolous, lighter side of the web.
MUDs, MOOs, etc.
The Internet isn't all fact and fervor; check out our index of those very popular interactive virtual game servers called MUDs, MOOs, etc.
Reading Room
A collection of online journals.
Research on the Internet
If you need info, this is a great starting point to help you find it.
The Student Handbook
An in-progress hypertext rendering of DECUG's popular vade mecum.
RTFM, Web Style
A collection of hypertext manuals (not just man pages) for popular software packages, like emacs, elm, and gcc.
Undergraduate Survival Guide
The definitive guide to undergraduate studies in CS at Virginia Tech
User Pages Index
Undergraduate CS majors at Virginia Tech seem to have a lot on their minds. Here's a sampling of web pages created and maintained by CSUGRAD users.
CSUWEB Access Statistics
Despite our serving mainly as a jumping off point to other web services, we are perhaps the most heavily accessed server at Virginia Tech. Our access statistics report tells all.
Top Ten lists for CSUWEB
The statistics can get a little long, so here is a much smaller page, with the top ten sites who accessed CSUWEB, pages on CSUWEB, and people who accessed CSUWEB.

* Wm. Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida

We'd like to hear your suggestions for this web server. See our suggestion box or send mail to www@csugrad.cs.vt.edu with your comments, suggestions, complaints, etc.

12 May 94 CSUWEB