The Planetary Image facility houses over 300,000 photographs and images of the planets and their satellites. Cartographic products generated from these images are also available. Earth-looking photographs from early manned missions and from the Center's extensive collection of space shuttle photographs, as well as selected images from LANDSAT and other remote sensing experiments, are used for research in comparative planetology.
Choose a planet, satellite, or asteroids for information on the photos, images and cartographic products available from the RPIF collection. The mission dates and objectives of the spacecraft that produced the RPIF imagery are also listed. There are some PLANETARY IMAGES taken from the RPIF collection that you can view.
If you cannot see forms click HERE for list and images.Although the facility cannot provide reproduction services, there is a staff photolibrarian available to assist in ordering materials from various sources offering Earth and Planetary imagery.
The image facility located at CEPS is convenient to the research community and general public of the mid-Atlantic and southeastern regions. The RPIF's ideal location at CEPS allows visiting researchers to obtain supporting historical information pertaining to aeronautics and space science through the archival sources and reference library of the National Air & Space Museum. If you intend to visit the facility, we suggest you contact us in advance. In addition to CEPS, there are 8 other Image Facilities located throughout the U.S. See the RPIF homepage at PDS.
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Last RPIF update: February 1, 1995