Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University
[ Admissions
[ Research
The programs in the Department of Mechanical Engineering are designed to
provide background for a wide variety of careers. The discipline is very
broad but is generally understood to emphasize an appropriate mix of energy
science and technology, applied mechanics, and design. Graduates at all
degree levels have traditionally entered into energy industries,
transportation, product manufacturing industries, government laboratories
and agencies dealing with these problems, and a variety of academic
Applied Mechanics Division
- covers dynamics, experimental and
computational mechanics, fluid dynamics, fracture mechanics and
micromechanics and mechanics of deformable solids.
Design Division
- emphasizes design processes and is specifically
concerned with automatic control, biomechanics, design aesthetics, design
research, experimental stress analysis, fatigue and fracture mechanics,
finite element analysis,human factors, kinematics, manufacturing systems,
microcomputers in design, product design, manufacturing and robotics.
Thermosciences Division
- offers courses and specialized work in
acoustics, applied thermodynamics, combustion, computational fluid
dynamics, energy systems, fluid mechanics, gas physics and chemistry, heat
transfer, laser diagnotstics, plasma sciences, and pollution control.
Stanford University