The reviews are indexed by title only, with leading English and French articles ("The", "La", etc.) moved to the end. Queries should consist of sequence of complete words, separated by any of the following operators:
Punctuation characters are now stripped from the queries, to simplify matching, but hyphens ("-") and apostrophes ("'") appearing in the title (as in She-Devil) are required. There is currently no way to quote "AND", "OR", "ADJ" in queries.
Recently posted reviews may not yet have made it into the archive. If you are having trouble finding a review to a newly-released film, I suggest you consult your local repository and the eye WEEKLY archive.
Each film title in the search result is linked to the Internet Movie Database, one of the most useful (IMHO) WWW resources.
Let me know if you have any problems; I'm sure there are still some.
Here are some server statistics that I collected last month.