ACM SIGMOD's Database Jobs Listings
In addition to the listings below, you can also use a full text search facility
at the Online Career Center to browse
through a very large compilation of job openings. Using this service, for
example, one could type in the string `database' to find all job openings that
have the word `database' included in their text. You can also find a variety
of job and fellowship offerings for both men and women through The Ada Project
(TAP), a clearinghouse for information about women and computing. You may
also check
CareerLine - ACM's Career Counseling Service;
Computing Research Association's
announcements for faculty positions in computer science and computer
engineering at research-oriented universities;
and Career Magazine.
The list below gives the name of the job offerer and is filed under the
month we received the announcement of the opening.
- March 1995
- Computer Power Group
is currently looking for experienced developers.
- February 1995
- Cornell University
has a postdoc position.
- University of British Columbia,
the Department of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia
is recruiting for a tenure track position at the rank of Assistant
Professor and Post Doctoral positions in all fields of computer
- University of Florida, Gainesville,
the Department of Computer and Information Sciences of the
University of Florida has an opening for a qualified person of any
rank in the database area.
- SRI International,
Computer Science Laboratory invites
applications for permanent positions on its research staff in the area
of distributed systems and communication networks.
- The German National Research Center
for Computer Science (GMD) offers 10 Postgraduate Positions.
- Columbia University
has a postdoctoral research position in database systems.
- University of Maine
National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis has a
full-time regular one-year position for a Research Assistant Professor.
- Purdue University
is seeking experienced and motivated information technology professionals
to support the University's administrative processes.
University of Maryland Baltimore County,
Computer Science Department / Electrical Engineering Department
invites applications for faculty positions at all levels for joint
tenure-track and term appointments.
- Tilburg University (Netherlands),
department of Information Management of the Faculty of Economics
have a position for a full professor of computer science.
- January 1995
- University of South
Australia Advanced Computing Research Centre (ACRC) is seeking to
appoint four postdoctoral candidates with excellent research potential.
- Universite Laval
Department of Computer Science seeks candidates for a full-time
tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor level.
- The University of Toronto
has a Postdoctoral Position in Multimedia Document Development.
- Cycorp
is seeking enthusiastic, highly-motivated multi-talented people
for positions in software development, ontological engineering, and
natural language processing.
- The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich
(ETH Zurich)
invites applications for the new position of Professor in Computer Science
(Information Systems).
- Florida International University
has tenure track faculty positions at the level of Assistant
Professor for database researchers.
- Softworks-DBopen has several
development positions for systems administration of relational
database systems. (New Jersey)
- Bell Labs has contract
programming openings in the database research
department and the computing systems research department.
- Stanford University,
the Database Group in the Computer Science Department
plans to hire two post-doctoral Research Associates to
begin in the summer or fall of 1995.
- SRI International,
Artificial Intelligence Center announces a
position in the areas of knowledge base and database integration.
- Northwestern University,
The Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science,
The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is
seeking outstanding faculty at the assistant and associate professor
level in Computer Systems.
- Northeastern University,
College of Computer Science, invites applications for a tenure-track
faculty position at all ranks especially in the areas of networks,
distributed computing, information systems, high performance computing,
software development, and graphics.
- December 1994
- The University of Colorado at
Boulder, Department of Computer Science, invites applications for
a faculty position in the area of Software and Systems.
- SRI International,
Computer Science Laboratory, invites applications for permanent positions on
its research staff in the area of database systems.
- The Integrated Publication and Information
Systems Institute (IPSI) seeks computer scientists for the development
of multimedia database systems.
- Rutgers University has a tenure-track
faculty position in the Department of Management Science/Computer
Information Systems at the School of Management, starting September 1995,
Newark, New Jersey.
- Digital Communication Services
has immediate contract openings for technical writers documenting major
financial systems. (New York City)
- Kaman Sciences has job openings.
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Computer Science Department invites applications for a tenure-track
faculty position beginning in August 1995. (Worcester, MA, USA)
- November 1994
- The Department of Computer Science and the Center for Research on
Parallel Computation at Rice University expect to
have a number of positions available beginning in the academic year 1995-6.
(Houston, Texas)
- The University of Ulm,
Department of Computer Science,
has an open position for an Associate Professor (tenure position) for
Databases and Information Systems.
(Ulm, Germany)
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory,
Information and Computing Sciences Division, has a one-year position.
(Berkeley, California)
- Wichita State University,
invites applications for two positions in the Computer Science Department.
(Wichita, Kansas)
- The University of Arizona,
Department of Computer Science, invites applications for faculty positions
at all ranks to begin in August, 1995.
- Imperial College of Science, Technology
and Medicine has a research associate position.
- The Department of Computer Science of the
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich invites
applications for assistant positions in its Database Research Group.
- The University of Colorado at
Boulder, Department of Computer Science, invites applications for
a faculty position in the area of Software and Systems.
- The Department of Computer Science of the
Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology invites applications for a position in
the Database Research Group at the level of Senior Researcher (Post-Doc).
(Zurich (ETH Zurich)).
- The University at Albany
Computer Science Department invites applications for faculty positions
at all levels in the systems area beginning September 1995.
- Hong Kong University
of Science and Technology,
Department of Computer Science will have at least 10 faculty
positions open at all levels for the 1995-96 academic year.
(Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong)
- University of Glasgow
has a Professor of Computing Science post available.
(Glasgow, Scotland)
- Bilkent University's
Computer Engineering and Information Science Department
invites applications at the Assistant-Professor level.
(Ankara, Turkey)
- Duke University Department of
Computer Science invites applications and nominations for a
tenure-track or tenured faculty position at all ranks. (Durham, NC,
- The Bioinformatics group at
the Jackson Laboratory seeks a full time database administrator.
(Bar Harbor, ME, USA)
- North-South University is
looking for visiting faculty in January, 1995. (Bangladesh)
- OACIS Healthcare Systems has
openings for two Software Quality Assurance Engineers (Clinical) and a
C++/VB Developer. (Greenbrae, CA, USA)
- Seattle University invites
applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the Department of
Computer Science and Software Engineering at either the assistant
professor or associate professor level. (Seattle, WA, USA)
- Applications are invited for a
tenure track position at Appalachian State University Department
of Mathematical Sciences in Computer Science at the assistant
professor level beginning Fall 1995. (Boone, NC, USA)
- Haverford College Department
of Computer Science invites applicants for a tenure-line assistant
professorship. (USA)
- The Safeguards Systems Group at
Los Alamos National Laboratory is looking for a graduate or
undergraduate student to work on a C++ application. (Los Alamos, NM, USA)
- Applications are invited for a
tenure track position in Computer Science at St. Mary's College of
Minnesota to begin in August 1995. (Winona, MN, US A)
- The Usability Group at Microsoft
is looking for 3-4 interns for four-month
internships, starting in Jan, May, Sept. (Redmond, WA, USA)
- The National University of
Singapore invites applications for academic positions in the
Department of Information Systems and Computer Science. (Kent Ridge,
Postdoctoral and predoctoral positions at the Sloan Center for Theoretical
Neurobiology, University of California. (San Francisco, CA, USA)
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Kentucky
invites applications for anticipated tenure-track positions at the
level of Assistant Professor for Fall 1995. (Lexington, KY, USA)
- The Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, seeks candidates for faculty positions. (Cambridge, MA,
- October 1994
- Ben-Gurion University
has tenure-track, visiting and post-doc positions in Computer Science.
- University of Glasgow
has a Research Assistant post available under
the EPSRC grant "Temporal and Situated Aspects of Data".
- The Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, Northwestern University is seeking
faculty in Computer Systems. (Evanston, IL, USA)
- The Department of Mathematics at the
University of Kentucky invites applications for at least two
tenure-track assistant professorships. (Lexington, KY, USA)
- The Hong Kong University of
Science and Technology, Department of Computer Science will have at
least 10 faculty positions open at all levels for the 1995-96 academic
year. (Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong)
- Advanced Information Solutions
needs qualified in-house programmers.
- The MITRE Corporation has
an exciting position is now available in the Information Management and
Object Technology group in the MITRE-Washington AI Center.
- Softworks-DBopen has several
development positions for systems administration of relational
database systems. (New Jersey)
- The University of
California, San Diego, Department of Computer Science and
Engineering anticipates having several openings and is interested in
attracting outstanding junior and senior candidates in the following
areas: computer architecture, databases, security/cryptography, and
theory. (San Diego, CA)
- Beloit College has an
immediate opening for a Director of Computer and Information
Technologies. (Beloit, WI, USA)
- Job openings at Sonic
Solutions. (San Rafael, CA, USA)
- Lotus Development Corporation has
a Software Engineer position with the Lotus Web Server Product
available. (Cambridge, MA, USA)
- The University of Pennsylvania
announces an NSF-funded training program with Post-Doctoral
fellowships in Computational Biology. (Philadelphia, PA, USA)
- The University of Michigan
is soliciting applications for faculty positions in the Computer
Science and Engineering Division at all ranks. (Ann Arbor, MI, USA)
- The University of Wyoming Department
of Computer Science invites applications for one tenure-track position
in computer science. (Laramie, WY, USA)
- Montgomery Blair Magnet Program
has an immediate opening for someone to teach computer science to
gifted high school students. (Silver Spring, MD, USA)
- Plymouth State College has a
position open for Director of Computer Services. (Plymouth, NH, USA)
- Senior Lecturer position in
the School of Computing Science, Queensland University of Technology
is available. (Brisbane, Australia)
- Northwestern
University McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science,
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, invite
applications for two faculty appointments at the level of tenure-track
assistant professor through tenured associate professor.(Evanston, IL,
- Applications are invited from Ph.D. or equivalently
experienced professionals for computer science research positions on
the IDA/SRC technical staff.
- Sybase seeks a Senior Software Engineer.
- New Mexico Institute of Mining and
Technology seeks applicants for two new tenure-track positions in
Computer Science.
- The Department of Computer Science,
Haverford College
invites applicants for a tenure-line assistant professorship.
- September 1994
- The University of California, Los Angeles
seeks a principal development engineer for the development
of a seamless environment for scientific data analysis, data management,
knowledge discovery, visualization, and collaboration.
- The University of Southern California
has two positions available in database, visualization and simulation
for brain research.
The University of California, Santa Barbara,
seeks a principal development engineer to lead construction of a
nationwide, distributed DIGITAL LIBRARY for maps and images.
- The Department of Computer Science
at Saint Mary's College is accepting applications for a Visiting
Assistant Professor, Spring semester, 1995.
(Winona, MN, USA)
- Two positions, Data Developer
and Systems Programmer, for a project involving data bases, visualization,
and simulation for brain research are available at the University of
Southern California. (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
- Positions for an Illustra
Client Software Manager and a Client Software Engineer are available at
Illustra Information Technologies, Inc.
(Oakland, CA, USA)
- Engineering position available in
Apple Computer's Newton Division.
(Cupertino CA, USA)
- Jobs at Sun,
Mountain View, California.
- Several permanent and
contract positions are available at Eliassen Group Inc.
(Wakefield, MA, USA)
- Applications are invited
for four positions in the Department of Electronics and Computer
Science at the University of Southampton. (Southampton, UK)
- August 1994
- Opening for German speaker.
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
invites applications and
nominations for Head of the Department of Management.
- Pacific Sierra Research Corporation
has job opportunities for a senior database software engineer and a software
engineer, Rosslyn, VA, USA.
- The Technion--Israel Institute of
Technology has a faculty position in the Software Engineering Area.
- The National University of Singapore
has 3 National Science and Technology Board's Postdoctoral Fellowships
(PDF) available in its Department of Information Systems and Computer
- Michigan State University
invites nominations and applications for the position of Chair of
the Department of Computer Science in the College of Engineering.
- The Tucson, Arizona office of Science
Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
has immediate openings in the area of software development.
- Syracuse University
invites nominations (and applications) for the
position of Dean of the School of Information Studies.
The Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering
(CISE) - USA at the National Science Foundation has openings for
scientists and engineers to fill several division, deputy division
and program director positions. (Arlington, VA, USA)
Job opportunities for a senior database software engineer and a software
engineer are available at Pacific Sierra Research Corporation.
(Rosslyn, VA, USA)
The Computer Science Department at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
invites applications for a tenure-track junior faculty position.(troy,NY,USA)
Dartmouth College's Administrative Computing Department, seeks to hire two
Senior Programmer/Analysts. (Hanover, NH, USA)
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) invites applications and nominations
for Head of the Department of Management. (Worcester, MA, USA)
- July 1994
The University of Manchester, UK
is seeking a person who has established an
International research reputation in the area of Information Systems.
- The University of Wolverhampton,
is accepting applications for University Research Studentships.
- The University of Melbourne
invites applications for appointment to the newly established
Foundation Chair of Information Systems.
Position at the Mitre Corporation, McLean, VA.
Senior Software Database Developer position available at KnowledgeSet
Corporation. (Mountain View, CA, USA)
Looking for an individual to develop an application for an NSF Visiting
Professorship for Women at the University of Iowa. (Iowa City, IA, USA)
The University of Minnesota, Morris (UMM) invites applications for the
position of Director of Computing Services. (Morris, MN, USA)
Michigan State University invites nominations and applications for the
position of Chair of the Department of Computer Science in the College
of Engineering. (East Lansing, MI, USA)
- June 1994
Beloit College has an opening for a Director of Computer Services.
(Beloit, WI, USA)
One year appointment in the dartment of Computer Science at the tank of
Instructor or Assistant professor at Trenton State College (Trenton, NJ, USA)
- Hughes Research Laboratories
is seeking an experienced scientist to perform research and
development of interactive multi-media information systems.
- The Matsushita Information Technology Laboratory
((MITL) of Panasonic Technologies, Inc. has entry-level research positions
currently open for research in spatial and image databases,
transaction management, and work flow.
- Pacfic NetSoft has 2 openings for
experienced programmers in database administration for Sybase 4.9.2.
- University of Manitoba
Department of Computer Science invites applications for one full-time
tenure-track position and
one two year term position,subject to budgetary approval, at the
Assistant Professor level, commencing July 1, 1994, or as soon as
possible thereafter.
- Imperial College of Science, Technology
and Medicine has a research associate position.
- May 1994
- RMIT University seeks an energetic
leader in the field of software engineering R&D to appoint
jointly as the new Ericsson Chair in Software Engineering (within the
Department of Computer Science) and Director of the Software
Engineering Research Centre at CITRI.
- University of Troms\o, Norway:
The Department of Computer Science of the University of Troms\o invites
applications for 1-2 positions at the level of Associate Professor.
The Database Laboratory, Computer Science Department, Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne - EPFL)
is looking for a senior researcher in databases/information systems
for a position opening October 1st, 1994.
- Queensland University of Technology
has a position for a full professor in information systems,
Queensland, Australia.
- BBN Speach and Language Group is looking
for Natural Language System Developers who can read Chinese(Washington-DC,
Vriginia, USA)
- Network Equipment Technology has an
opening in their IDNX NMS SW Development group for Software Engineer.(Redwood
City, CA, USA)
- Philips Research has several
research positions available in the area of system software for multimedia:
servers, database, operating systems, networks and applications.(Palo Alto,
- Sun Microsystems Lab's
the Advanced Technologies group is looking for a Senior Software
engineer to work on a new programming environment.(Palo Alto, CA, USA)
- SunSoft has openings for Software
Engineering positions. (Colorado Springs, CO, USA)
- Two positions are available at
Tulane University Department of Computer Science. (New Orleans, LA, USA)
- applications are invited for a lecturer
position in CS at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA, USA)
- April 1994
- MIT/Whitehead Genome Center at the Whitehead
Institute for Biomedical Research is seeking an expert in DBMS technology
to join its informatics group.
- RMIT has a position for an
Associate Lecturer in Computer Science, Australia.
- University of East Anglia
has two Lectureships in the Computing Sector of the School of Information
- University of Glasgow
has two Lectureships in the Department of
Computing Science.
IUPUI has two visiting
positions at the level of assistant or associate professor.
Nearnet, a regional computer network
serving New England has positions available(Cambridge, MA, USA)
Argonne National Laboratory the
Mathematics and Computer Science Division invites applications for
postdoctoral research positions(Argonne, IL, USA)
Ameritech is hiring computer
scientists, electrical engineers, human factor engineers, and cognitive
psychologists to work on multimedia applications for the home. (Hoffman
Estate, IL, USA)
Digital Equipment Corp. <\a> Multivendor Systems Engineering is looking to
fulfill software and systems engineering positions(Tewksbury, MA, USA)
The Evergreen State College has an opening full-time for three quarters
to teach mathematically oriented components of an integrated mathematics and
computer science introductory program. (Olympia, WA, USA)
KnowledgeSet Corp has several
software engineering positions available. (Moutain View, CA)
Wave Technologies Internationals seeks
knowledgeable, energetic, team-oriented professionals to manage their
training offices. (Chicago, IL, St. Louis, MO, and Irvine, CA, USA)
- March 1994
Humboldt University's Institute of
Information Systems has one position for a Postdoctoral Fellow and one
position for an Assistant Professor, Berlin, Germany.
The University of Houston has an
Endowed Chair Position in Computer Science.
Project Manager position for C++ debuggers
is available at Borland International (Cambridge, MA, USA)
EagleSoft has positions available
in PC client-server DB development(Effingham, IL, USA)
entry level contractor openings are available
at NeXT Computing in testing and beta-test support(Redwood city, CA,
Network Equipment Technologies
has an opening in their IDNX(T1/T3 Multiplexor) SW Development group for
a Software Engineer(Redwood City, CA, USA)
SunSoft has many engineering positions
available(Colorado Springs, CO, USA)
- February 1994
The Asian Institute of Technology
has a position in Computer Science - for
the Computer Science Program, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand.
- January 1994
Engineering Design Technologies
has a group leader position,
Gaithersburg, Maryland.
ECRC position in
spatial and temporal databases
- The European Research Consortium for
Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) offers post-doc fellowships in the
European Community.
- Rutgers University has a tenure-track
faculty position in the Department of Management Science/Computer
Information Systems at the School of Management, starting September 1994,
Newark, New Jersey.
- Duke University has three tenure-track or
tenured faculty positions in computer science starting September 1994,
Durham, North Carolina.
- University of Manchester has a
lectureship position available in the Department of Computation,
Manchester, United Kingdom.
- Wichita State University has two
tenure-track assistant professor positions in the Computer Science Department,
Wichita, Kansas.
- University of California, San Diego
seeks ssociate professor in database systems or computer architecture,
La Jolla, California.
- University of Glasgow seeks
candidates for Chair of Computing Science Department,
Glasgow, Scotland.
- December 1993
- University of Maryland seeks
Associate Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School,
College Park, Maryland.
- University of Vermont
seeks candidate for Dorothean Chair,
- Mills College seeks
two assistant professors of Computer Science,
Oakland, California.
- Harvard University seeks
professors at all levels,
Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- November 1993
- Eastern Connecticut State University seeks
an assistant or associate professor,
Willimantic, Connecticut.
- Heriot-Watt University seeks
a lecturer,
Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Cornell University seeks
a professor, preferably a senior professor, who works in the National
Information Enterprise area,
Ithaca, New York.
- The University of Alabama seeks
a professor,
Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
- The Jackson Laboratory seeks
a database
Applications Programmer/Analyst,
Bar Harbor, Maine.
- Sybase seeks
all kinds of people,
Emeryville, California.
- Tera Computer Company seeks
a file systems person,
Seattle, Washington.
- US West seeks
two multimedia people,
Boulder, Colorado.
- Boston University seeks
an assistant professor,
Boston, Massachusetts.
- Wellesley College seeks
an assistant professor,
Wellesley, Massachusetts.
- Kalamazoo College seeks
an assistant professor,
Kalamazoo, Michigan.
- Oberlin College seeks
an assistant professor,
Oberlin, Ohio.
- University of Maryland seeks
professors at all ranks,
College Park, Maryland.
- University of Southern California seeks
a Computer Science assistant professor,
Los Angeles, California.
- Rice University seeks
Computer Science professors and research
staff, Houston, Texas.
- Southern Methodist University seeks a
Computer Science and
Engineering Department head, Dallas, Texas.
- Drexel University seeks a
Math/CS Department head, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- NASA seeks engineers
for the EOSDIS project, Greenbelt, Maryland.
- University of Alberta seeks postdoc
in multimedia information management, Edmonton, Canada.
- DEC seeks engineers, Massachusetts.
- ASK / INGRES seeks engineers,
Alameda, California.
- University of Queensland has two faculty positions open.
- NSF has money for postdocs
in computational science.
- The University of Arizona Computer
Science Department and Management Information Systems Department seek professors
at all ranks, Tucson, Arizona.
- Gettysburg College seeks professors,
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
- Meredith College seeks a professor,
Raleigh, North Carolina.
- The Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology seeks a department head, Portland, Oregon.
- October 1993
Appalachian State University seeks professors,
Boone, North Carolina.
Smith College seeks professors,
Northampton, Massachusetts.
Booz, Allen & Hamilton seeks engineers,
several locations.
Ohio University seeks a chair,
Athens, Ohio.
Chemeketa Community College seeks professors,
Salem, Oregon.
Amos Tuck School of Business Administration seeks data base
programmer/systems analyst, Hanover, New Hampshire.
PictureTel / Motorola seeks engineer.
Lotus seeks engineer.
Postdoc position at the University of
Maryland, Baltimore County, in distributed information systems.
All sorts of people needed at BNR
Software engineers needed at BNR
ECRC position in
spatial and temporal databases
University of Hull
seeks visiting fellows
Lotus seeks engineers and managers
Oracle seeks software engineers and
Oregon State seeks professors
University of Queensland seeks professors
Saint Cloud State Univ. seeks
Sybase seeks quality assurance
Tivoli seeks engineer
TRW seeks many kinds of people
University of Pennsylvania
seeks professors
University of North Texas
seeks chair for Business Computer Information
Systems Department
Working Assets seeks
director of systems and software
- September 1993
University of Alberta seeks postdoc
in multimedia data management
Concordia University seeks professors
ECRC seeks researcher in federated
database systems
The Internet Research
Task Force Research Group on Resource Discover and Directory
Service seeks developer
- August 1993
Argonne National
Lab seeks a director of educational programs
ECRC seeks researchers in deductive
and object-oriented database systems
ECRC seeks researchers in deductive
and real-time database systems
Integrated Publication and
Information Systems Institute seeks computer scientists
Old Dominion University seeks
computer science professor
University of Cincinatti seeks
computer science professors
- July 1993
Argonne National Lab seeks Division Director
for Decision and Information Sciences
ETH Zurich seeks computer science
Michigan Technical University seeks a
Director of Information Technology
Mitre Dayton seeks developers
Oracle seeks software developers and
technical managers
University of North
Florida seeks computer and information sciences
department chair
Xerox Henrietta seeks engineers
University of Cambridge seeks computer science
- Feb. 1994
Lotus/cc:Mail (in Mountain View,CA)is looking to fillSoftware and Management positions
University at Albany seeks facluty in systems area
Mitre Corporation is looking for to fill Database
related positions
- March 1994
Apple Computer's Advanced Technology Group
seels a summer intern.
Cray Research seeks technical sales
analysis for the Central Region.
Fuji Xerox Palo Alto Lab is seeking one
or two interns for the summer.
Send requests for additions to