Temple University

A resource provided by Temple University Computer Services

Temple University , a major research university with more than 30,000 students, is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. The goal of this server is to provide information about the University for students, prospective students, and faculty. It will also provide links to other WWW points of interest.

Temple Information Servers

Information servers at Temple include the campus gopher system, the departmental gopher listing, telnet access to the library, campus WWW servers. A point and click main campus map is under construction.

Internet Navigation

Good starting points include the list of all registered WWW servers at CERN, Pennsylvania WWW Servers and the original default starting pages for lynx and Mosaic.

What's New!

Look to this link to see whats new at Temple and its information providers. Last updated on Friday, 14-Apr-95 09:50:06 EDT


Learn, HTML and URL, the language of WWW. Also, learn how to setup your own home page on Astro and other systems.


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DISCLAIMER: Temple University claims no responsibility for the content of personal WWW servers.

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