SWAPRA meets monthly in the NASA JSC area. Annual dues are $100. The 1994 president is Harry Kirby, Jr., and the 1994 membership chairman is Lex Ray: (713) 333-3703.
The Tenagra Corporation sent surveys to 115 members of SWAPRA. This survey was developed independently by Tenagra (i.e., it was not an officially sponsored or sanctioned activity of SWAPRA). This survey was intended to determine education levels and attitudes towards the use of the Internet by aerospace business professionals. A total of 24 responses were received.
General results of the survey indicated: 1) while there are a few exceptions, the corporate aerospace business development community significantly lags behind NASA in utilization of the resources of the Internet; and 2) that there is significant interest in learning more about the Internet among aerospace business professionals.
Next to each survey answer, the total number of responses are indicated. The results of questions 1 and 5 are cross referenced. Not all respondents answered all questions, and in some cases a single respondent may have provided multiple answers to a single question.
1. How would you classify your business? a. large business: 6 have email 4 have no email 1 no response to email question 1 b. small business 8 have email 6 have no email 2 c. SDB or woman-owned small business 4 have email 3 have no email 1 d. 8a 6 have email 3 have no email 3 e. other 0 2. Do you use a computer on a regular basis as part of your job? a. yes 23 b. no 1 3. Is your computer connected to a company network? a. sometimes or always 20 b. never 3 4. What type of operating system(s) do you use? a. DOS 15 b. MicroSoft Windows 18 c. MacIntosh 12 d. Unix 7 e. NextStep 0 f. OS/2 2 g. VMS 2 h. others 2 5. Do you use electronic mail? a. yes 16 large business 4 small business 5 SDB 3 8a 3 b. no 7 large business 1 small business 2 SDB 2 8a 3 6. Are you familiar with the Internet? a. yes 16 b. no 7 7. Is your company connected to the Internet? a. yes - individual users have dial-in accounts 9 b. yes - our company network is connected 5 c. no 10 d. don't know 1 8. What services have you used via the Internet? a. gopher 3 b. ftp (file transfer protocol) 7 c. electronic mail 8 d. newsgroups 4 e. World Wide Web 4 f. others 1 9. Have you or your company used the Internet to: a. obtain solicitation announcements or RFP's 4 b. obtain information about potential customers or competitors 1 c. obtain technical information 6 d. publish information about your company 3 e. make solicitations available to others 0 f. obtain information about programs at NASA, DoD, or federal labs 3 g. support recruiting 2 h. others 2 (access NASA photos and communicate with customers) 10. Would you be interested in learning more about the benefits that the Internet provides? a. yes 21 b. no 3 11. If there were local training available about using the Internet, would you or your coworkers be interested in attending? a. yes 19 b. no 4 c. other (maybe) 1 12. Would you be interested in attending a seminar discussing using the Internet to supplement aerospace business development activities? a. yes 22 b. no 2 13. If your company hires subcontractors: would you make use of a free searchable database containing descriptions of local subcontractors including SIC codes, corporate experience summaries, business contacts, etc. over the Internet? a. yes 12 b. no 3 14. If you are a subcontractor, would you be interested in making multi-media information about your company available over the Internet for browsing by contractors and NASA? (The information could include text, graphics, voice, and video clips). a. yes 14 b. no 0 15. If you hire subcontractors through competitive bidding: Would you consider using a service that makes your solicitation or announcement available over the Internet and freely accessible to the local subcontractor community? a. yes 11 b. no 2 16. If you a a subcontractor: would you use the service described in question 15 to look for solicitations if it were free and available over the Internet? a. yes 13 b. no 1 17. Do you use any of the following pay services as part of your business: a. American Online 1 b. Prodigy 2 c. Compuserve 7 d. Delphi 0 e. Genie 2 f. other 0 18. Would it be valuable to you if future versions of the SWAPRA directory included e-mail and World Wide Web addresses? a. yes 14 b. no 2
Last modified on November 10, 1994. The SWAPRA Internet Survey is © The Tenagra Corporation, 1994.