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Structural Chemistry - Bristol University


Welcome to the structural chemistry section of the School of Chemistry at the University of Bristol, England. Current areas of research include single crystal X-ray diffraction, EXAFS spectroscopy, molecular modelling and ab initio calculations, and chemical database studies. The School has recently purchased a Siemens area detector diffractometer, which has greatly increased the speed of crystal data collection. Recent crystal structures are illustrated in a separate page.

Other chemical sites:

Link to the School of Chemistry page, the main University site, or the Bristol info server.

Travel pages: an illustrated account of four weeks touring southern USA in the summer of 1994, together with links to various other travel-related servers.

Directions to different places, including various search facilities, WWW and HTML help, internet information and other interesting sites.

Several photographs of local interest.

Try the NCSA what's new page for all recently announced WWW sites (note - this can be rather large).

Usage statistics for this server.

Maintained by John Crossley; E-Mail