(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Welcome to the Advertising Law Internet Site. This site is maintained by Lewis Rose, an advertising and marketing law partner with the Washington, D.C. law firm of Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn.
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A. United States Advertising Law
- 1. Fundamental Advertising Principles
- At the heart of advertising law
in the United States are three basic doctrines: Ad Substantiation,
Deception, and Unfairness. The full text of the Federal Trade Commission's
1984 Policy Statement on Advertising Substantiation
is the first document that should be reviewed by advertisers and marketers.
The Deception Policy Statement was issued
by the FTC to outline the the agency's definition of "deceptive acts or
practices" prohibited by Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, 15
U.S.C. section 45. The Unfairness Policy Statement
was issued by the FTC to define the scope of the FTC's jurisdiction to
prohibit unfair acts or practices. Congress recently codified the FTC's
unfairness policy statement in the 1994
Amendments to the FTC Act.
- 2. Articles About Advertising Law
- This
part of the Advertising Law Internet Site houses numerous articles about
aspects of advertising and marketing law, including use of endorsements and
testimonials, product demonstrations, FTC Enforcement, contests and related
promotions, Choosing A Business Name, business opportunity laws, and much more!
- 3. FTC Advertising Guidelines and Enforcement
Policy Statements
- This section of the Advertising Law Internet Site
includes full text versions of Advertising Guidelines and Enforcement Policy
Statements issued by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. Topics covered
include food advertising, environmental claims, deceptive pricing, testimonials,
use of the word "free" and much more.
- 4. FTC Trade Regulation Rules
- This portion
of the Advertising Law Internet Site includes many of the trade regulation
rules issued and enforced by the United States Federal Trade Commission
including 900 Numbers, Mail Order and Telephone Sales, Used Cars, and Funerals.
- 5. FTC Consumer Brochures
- Over 100
brochures issued by the Federal Trade Commission's Office of Consumer and
Business Education covering automobiles, credit, fraud, health claims,
investments, and other marketplace "scams."
- 6. FTC Business Compliance Manuals
- The Federal Trade Commission's Office of Consumer and Business Education also prepares comprehensive manuals to instruct businesses regarding how to comply with many of the rules they enforce. So far, we have just the newest Manual, covering Mail and Telephone Orders. More to follow.
- 7. Testimony and Speeches
- Full texts of
speeches and testimony delivered by regulatory officials, experts, and
others are available by visiting this section of the Advertising Law
Internet Site.
B. European Commission Advertising/Consumer Law
The European Commission Consumer Policy Service has established its own WWW server, providing information about European consumer and advertising law and policies. If you click on this link, you will be leaving the Advertising Law Internet Site so be sure to come back.
C. Advertising Law Internet Site Administrivia
- 1. About The Advertising Law Internet
- Want to know more about this site? Who put it on the WWW? Who
can you contact to find out more information? Find out here!
- 2. Join Our Mailing List
- If you would like to be informed
about updates to the Advertising Law Internet Site, such as new articles,
regulations, speeches, testimony, etc; important trends in advertising law;
or new developments with Arent Fox's advertising and intellectual property
practice, please join our mailing list.
Please note that the materials included in the Advertising Law Internet
Site are intended to be general information and are not provided in the course
of an attorney-client relationship or constitute legal advice. They are
not intended to be a substitute for obtaining legal advice from your
own legal counsel.
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