hide random home screenshot http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/Technical.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Technical details

(See also: W3 project )
How to provide data
How can I make my own data available on the web?
Ideas for new projects, things people are doing.

Specs, Tutorials, etc:

The HTTP protocol
WWW's own protocol. WWW clients all speak many other protocols .
HTML format
The markup language used for some documents and for search hit-lists.
Access Authorization
Document protection in W3.
Common Gateway Interface
The interface between httpd servers (CERN's and NCSA's at least) and user-written gateways to other database systems, etc.
Addressing (URLs)
The syntax of W3 document addresses.


Design Issues
Discussions of decisions to be made when designing or selecting a hypertext/IR system. See also related products .
Working notes
Work in progress at the drawing board, notes of meetings etc. Additions welcome: send URLs
Some internet/usenet newsgroups of possible interest to the WorldWideWeb project.


Coding standards
A basic style guide for W3 code contributors. If you write code, read this!
Using CVS in WWW
A guide to setting up the code management system for for those hacking the code.
Test data
A collection of data for testing