hide random home screenshot http://www.unisa.ac.za/0/docs/campus.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

On-Campus Services

Services offered by Unisa

The following services are currently offered on the Unisa campus:

Online userguides

Introduction to the Internet (A short overview of Internet services offered at Unisa. Access is limited to Unisa personnel only).

Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet Table of Contents.

Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet Introduction to the Guide.

Windows Mosaic user-guide

Perl user-guide

Writing HTML documentation

Other services

The Unisa Gopher Server

Department of Computer Science and Information Systems WWW server

Local copies of useful information mirrored from around the world.

An online tour of South Africa

If you have any comments or remarks about this server, please drop us a note.