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Information servers available at UCONN

UCINFO Husky Gopher This is UConn's Mother Gopher. It contains University-wide information and pointers to all known UConn Gopher servers.

Anthropology Department

ArchNet: Archaeological Data at UConn

Bartlett Arboretum

Chemistry Department

Communication Sciences

Computer Center VM/CMS WWW Server

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Greenhouse The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology's greenhouse facility provides on-line access to it's diverse collection with detailed information about each of the over 3000 different species of plants being grown. Many additional references are provided as are links to other important botanical World Wide Web sites.

Engineering, School of

Fine Arts, School of

R. Frank Chicken Center Center for Automated Reasoning Research.

Geography and GIS

Geology and Geophysics Department

IRS Open Labs Page including access to Multimedia Lab and Virtual Classroom

Medieval Studies Program

Modern and Classical Languages

Physiology & Neurobiology Department

Political Science

Spirit of UConn Alumni/Library Gopher Server

Spirit of UConn Alumni/Library Web Server

Statistics Department

UConn Health Center

UCONN's FTP site

Women's Center