White Rabbit Toys is a real store in Ann Arbor, Michigan. We specialize in high quality toys that help children to create, learn, imagine and explore. Our toys come from all over the world. We offer such international favorites as Brio (Sweden), Ravensburger (Germany), Primetime Playthings and Creativity for Kids (USA).
Here is a picture of our store:
Because Ann Arbor is home to the University of Michigan, many of our customers come from all over, too. When they head back to their home states or native lands, quite a few have asked how they could stay in touch with us. We think we've found the answer, here on the Net.
We're glad you've found out about us, too.
Please feel free to browse our selection. When you are ready to place an order, select the item(s) that you wish to purchase. Then, fill in the appropriate payment and shipping information or call us toll free.
We will be happy to gift wrap your order for a small fee. We'll even include a card! (We have five different wrapping papers to choose from. More on that when you order.)
We ship within 48 hours of receipt. Note: Orders usually go by regular surface mail or standard UPS. Please let us know if you would like to make other shipping arrangements.
We will send you a confirmatory e-mail message within 8 hours of our receiving your order. The message will include your order number, purchase itemization, total cost, credit card type and recipient's mailing address.
If you have questions, please send a message to JoAnn@toystore.com . Our address is:
- White Rabbit Toys
- 2611 Plymouth Road
- Ann Arbor, MI 48105
- Phone: 313-665-1555
- Fax: 313-665-5112
Click here to start browsing this catalog. If you've been here before, you might want to start with our What's New page. Have fun!
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