Welcome to the San Diego Supercomputer Center. SDSC is a national laboratory for computational science and engineering established in 1985 to advance research and promote U.S. economic competitiveness with state-of-the-art computational tools. SDSC is affiliated with the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), one of the nation's leading research universities, and is administered by General Atomics, a high-technology R&D company. SDSC features a variety of collaborative research and educational programs, high-performance computational and visualization tools, and a nationally recognized staff.
Here is information about SUPERCOMPUTING '95 (SC'95), December 3 - 8, 1995 at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California, USA.
If you encounter any problems, please contact the SDSC Consultants at consult@sdsc.edu or by phone at (619) 534-5100.
Copyright General Atomics 1994