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San Diego Supercomputer Center

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Welcome to the San Diego Supercomputer Center. SDSC is a national laboratory for computational science and engineering established in 1985 to advance research and promote U.S. economic competitiveness with state-of-the-art computational tools. SDSC is affiliated with the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), one of the nation's leading research universities, and is administered by General Atomics, a high-technology R&D company. SDSC features a variety of collaborative research and educational programs, high-performance computational and visualization tools, and a nationally recognized staff.

Here is information about SUPERCOMPUTING '95 (SC'95), December 3 - 8, 1995 at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California, USA.

General Information
Science and Applied Research
Available Software
Education and Outreach
SDSC Calendar

Information about the webmasters at SDSC. Send mail to Webmaster@sdsc.edu

If you encounter any problems, please contact the SDSC Consultants at consult@sdsc.edu or by phone at (619) 534-5100.

(c) Copyright General Atomics 1994