hide random home screenshot http://www.sbcc.cc.ca.us/sbcc_home.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Welcome to Santa Barbara City College

[SBCC Welcome Sign]

This experimental server is provided by the Computer Science department. It is NOT intended to be an official presentation of SBCC information. Many areas are under construction.

Santa Barbara City College, founded in 1909, is one of the oldest and best community colleges in California. The college has approximately 11,600 students in day and evening credit classes, and some 37,600 people are enrolled annually in non-credit and ungraded Continuing Education Division classes.

SBCC Information

* What's New On the SBCC Web Server Last Updated: May 23, 1995
* Pictures of our campus.
* Map of our campus.
* Current College Calendar.
* History of Santa Barbara City College.
* Meet the Faculty & Staff of Santa Barbara City College.
* DRAFT Policies for Student Use of Computers and Networks. Updated: April 10, 1995


* Computer Repair Workshop
* Computer Science
* Earth and Planetary Sciences
* Marine Technology
* Physics
* Spanish

Santa Barbara Information

* City of Santa Barbara Home Page.
* Santa Barbara County HomePage.
* Surf report for Santa Barbara.
* 3-D Map of Santa Barbara.

World Wide Web Information

* California Universities & Colleges
* SBCC Internet Training
* Guides to the Internet
* Gateways to the Internet
* HTML Guides
* Icon Demonstration Page

WWW Server Information

* WWW Server Usage
* Off Campus WWW Server Usage

Authors: Dean Roberts d.roberts@ieee.org and Steve Schmidhauser sjs@picard.sbcc.cc.ca.us