(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine
Masthead /
ISSN 1076-027X / Volume 2, Number 4 / April 1, 1995 / Page 1
Editor's Page
take this CMC Magazine reader survey.
Potholes along the Information Superhighway?
A new, borderless society poses interesting challenges to the traditional
notion of national sovereignty. David Farber, the University of Pennsylvania's
Alfred Fitler Moore Professor of Telecommunication Systems, asks important
questions about governing and leadership in a more democratic world.
The Cutting Edge: News in Brief
Chris Lapham looks at some of Microsoft's
new ventures, Omni Magazine's big move, and the ongoing race among
commercial online services.
Groupware '95: The Convergence of Collaborative Technologies and the World
Wide Web
Lotus introduced two InterNotes applications at the March Groupware'95
Conference in Boston, where the groupware industry took its first steps toward
integration with the World Wide Web. Lee Honeycutt discusses how concerns for
security are tempering the industry's excitement about the commercial
possibilities of the Web.
Book Excerpt:
Computer-Mediated Communication and the Online
Classroom in Distance Learning
Technology is undoubtedly changing education. In this introduction to the
third volume in a three-part series, authors Zane Berge and Mauri Collins warn
against paving over old cow paths as we shift from a teaching environment to
a learning environment.
An Immodest Proposal
Christine Boese argues that most organizations
are grossly short-sighted and timid in their use of technology. She advocates
boldly embracing the potential of this medium.
Revenge of the Introverts
Net technology, especially email and newsgroups, are giving normally
introspective and quiet introverts new tools of expression. According
to Jeb Livingood, the "Is" are connected, communicating AND very comfortable
in cyberspace.
A Little Bit of Everything, But Not the Whole Picture
In his review of Nicholas Negroponte's Being Digital,
Kevin Hunt argues that while focusing on the technological ways to
interact with technology,
Negroponte neglects to focus on the goal of these interactions:
being human.
Examining Community in Cyberspace
In her review of CyberSociety: Computer-Mediated Communication
and Community, edited by Steven G. Jones,
Chris Silker takes a look at how scholars are beginning to examine online
- From the Nets . . .
A Virtual April Breeze Sweeps The Web Clean
by Lisa Schmeiser.
- Mbox
The trouble with hypertext...
- The Last Link
The technologist's responsibilities
and social change
Mark Weiser of Xerox
Palo Alto Research Center
responds to previous "Last Link" columns on ubiquitous computing,
presenting his view as a developer of these systems.
Letters to the editor always welcome:
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