(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
A Bell Labs Research Server
AT&T Corporate Server
You might want to take a look at AT&T's
corporate server.
AT&T Bell Laboratories World of Science Seminars
If you're fortunate enough to live near Murray Hill, NJ, you can
attend lecture-demonstrations given by Bell Labs technical staff
members and targeted to high school students and teachers.
They're open to the general public.
Have a look at the schedule for early 1995.
Live from AT&T Bell Labs Broadcast
Get more information
about the ``Live from AT&T Bell Labs'' broadcast on Wednesday, April 27, 1994.
AT&T ftp sites
Information on Plan 9, ODE, C++ and other items may be found on the AT&T
Research ftp site,
Standard ML distribution files are also there, in
The netlib
sources can be found on
Z39.50 Gateway
A Z39.50 gateway can currently search
a listing of IEEE proceedings, the
CIA World Fact Book, the AT&T Customer Information Center
Database, netlib and others.
The Global MBONE
General information about applications, host requirements and the like
is contained in the MBONE FAQ.
There's also extensive information
Network Bibliography
The bibliography covers papers in the area of computer networking and
related topics. Records can be retrieved in BibTeX format or formatted. Some recent entries
contain pointers to on-line versions of the paper. Lower and upper
case are equivalent; searches may contain several words. Details are
You may also be interested in a list of
other network research sites.
Conferences and Calls for Papers
- IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications
- Papers are currently in review for special issues on the
(final due: August, 1994; pub.: 1Q 1995) and
ATM LANs (final due: September, 1994; pub.:
1Q 1995).
Conference: April 2-6, 1995.
Advance program and
registration information for IEEE INFOCOM '95,
The Conference on Computer Communications.
17th International Conference on Software Engineering
Conference: April 23-30, 1995.
Preliminary Program.
Fourth IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network
Management (ISINM '95)
Conference: May 1-5, 1995.
Conference information.
Sixth IFIP Working Conference on Engineering
for Human-Computer Interaction (EHCI '95)
Papers due: February 1, 1995.
Conference: August 14-18, 1995.
Announcement, call
for papers, and conference information.
Fourteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed
Computing (PODC)
Papers due: February 10, 1995.
Conference: August 20-23, 1994.
Announcement, call for papers, and conference information.
Electronic Privacy and Payment
Three papers describe an
anonymous credit card system for paying for
goods and services while preserving the anonymity of the various
Two more describe how communications can actually increase personal
Anonymous Credit Cards
Low, Maxemchuk, Paul.
This paper describes the basic mechanism.
Anonymous Credit Cards and its Collusion Analysis
Low, Maxemchuk, Paul.
This paper describes the ACC protocol in terms of simple
building blocks and standard cryptogarphic techniques.
It also presents a systematic way to determine the set
of participants that must collude for private information
to be revealed.
Anonymous Internet Mercantile Protocol.
Kristol, Low, Maxemchuk.
This paper describes how the ACC system might be adapted for
use on the Internet to pay for information services.
The Use of Communications Networks to Increase Personal Privacy.
Maxemchuk, Low.
Communication networks make it possible to bring information together,
but they also make it possible to separate and hide information.
Dispursing the information enhances privacy by forcing multiple
parties to collude to compile a dossier.
The Use of Communications Networks to Increase Personal Privacy In a
Health Insurance Architecture.
Maxemchuk, Low.
An application of the privacy mechanisms to achieve personal privacy
in a national health insurance plan.
Document Marking and Electronic Publishing
Copyright protection is a key concern of publishers seeking to
use computer networks to distribute their publications.
These papers describe current research on document marking
and identification techniques
used to discourage the illicit copying of
documents distributed in either paper or electronic form.
Marking and Identification Techniques to Discourage Document Copying.
Brassil, Low, Maxemchuk & O'Gorman.
Hiding Information in Document Images,
Document Marking and Identification using both Line and Word Shifting.
Low, Maxemchuk, Brassil, O'Gorman.
One of the major technical and economic challenges faced by
electronic publishing is that of preventing individuals from easily
copying and illegally distributing electronic documents.
These papers describe how cryptographic protocols can be used to discourage
the distribution of illicit electronic copies.
www-buyinfo Mailing List
The www-buyinfo mailing list discusses implementation
issues related to paying for information services on the World-Wide Web.
The mailing list home page
leads to more
information about the list's
``vision'' and how to subscribe, and to a mail archive.
Predictive Prefetch in the Nemesis Multimedia Information Service
The paper by that title
to be presented at the ACM Multimedia '94 Conference, October, 1994.
Clipper Chip
Take a look at Matt Blaze's paper,
Failure in the Escrowed Encryption Standard,
which describes weaknesses in the Clipper encryption chip.
for recent statistics on this server, generated
by wwwstat.
April 14, 1995