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BusinessWire Reports


BusinessWire is the nation's premier media relations wire service, used by more than 12,000 organizations to accurately and effectively disseminate full-text news releases [information] to the news media and investment community worldwide.

For some time now the investment community has been undergoing subtle but significant change. The increased activism of shareholders and their involvement in corporate governamce issues has created more volatility in the marketplace.

This volatility has made the investment process more complex and the communications process more critical. More than ever, it is imperative that investor relations professionals have the means to reach the media and investment community with their corporate news.

BusinessWire reaches more media and investment firms -- both nationally and internationally -- than any other media relations wire service.

The SEC, the stock exchanges and the NASD have specific guidelines for the public disclosure of news. BusinessWire is the acknowledged leader in helping publicly traded companies meet their "timely disclosure to the media" requirements.

Since the BusinessWire reports are provided by the companies themselves, the cost to you is exceptionally low. For only $9.95 per month you may receive up to 25 reports per day. If you also subscribe to QuoteCom's Basic service you will automatically receive news release on the items in your portfolio.

QuoteCom sends BusinessWire reports that impact your portfolio as soon as we receive them. If you decide to receive everything in certain categories, you may receive many updates each day.
We keep BusinessWire data on our system for 90 days.

BusinessWire is very similar to PR Newswire. Most companies will use one or the other to disseminate their news, although a few will use both. Therefore, in order to insure the broadest coverage of news releases, you may wish to subscribe to both services.

Examples of BusinessWire stories are available by sending an email message to services@quote.com with a Subject: of "info bwire-samples".


BusinessWire reports are indexed by ticker symbol. In addition, reports are indexed by 40 category numbers. The category numbers describe industries and types of reports. They are:
201 Aerospace and Defense
202 Apparel and Textiles
203 Automotive
204 Banking (includes financial services)
205 Biotechnology
206 Building and Construction
207 Chemicals and Plastics
208 Hi-tech Companies
209 Computers and Electronics
210 Education
211 Energy
212 Entertainment
213 Environmental Copy
214 Environment (including recycling, waste)
215 Food and Beverage
216 Forest Products
217 Government
218 Insurance
219 Manufacturing
220 Medicine (including healthcare)
221 Mining
222 Oil and Gas
223 Pharmaceutical
224 Publishing
225 Real Estate
226 Restaurants
227 Retail
228 Sports
229 Supermarkets
230 Telecommunications
231 Travel and Airlines
232 Transportation
233 Utilities
234 Earnings Reports
235 Dividend Reports
236 Advisory Reports
237 Product Announcements
238 Management Changes
239 Mergers and Acquisitions
240 Reminders of Upcoming Events
241 Interactive and Multimedia

This document last revised on March 7, 1995.


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