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Welcome to OSA's Quantum Electronics division. Here you will find information on books, journals, conferences, and technical programs related to lasers, laser materials processing, nonlinear optics, and ultrafast optical phenomena. For more information scroll down to the Technical Group section.


Quantum Electronics Technical Groups:

Lasers: Techniques for generation and control of coherent radiation. laser devices, systems, and applications.

Laser Materials Processing: Laser-materials interaction in the production of unique materials, devices, and systems.

Nonlinear Optics: Physics of nonlinear optical materials, new materials, nonlinear processes, and devices using nonlinear optics.

Ultrafast Optical Phenomena: A focal point for the rapidly emerging area of ultrashort pulse generations and applications.

Note: As an OSA member you may join three OSA Technical Groups at no charge. these groups are your link to valuable information and colleagues. Receive special newsletters and attend group meetings and symposia!. Click here for OSA membership information.


Topics include techniques of generation and control of coherent radiation, laser devices, systems and applications, nonlinear optics-including the physics of nonlinear optical materials, new material, nonlinear process and devices, and ultrafast optical phenomena-and laser processing-including interaction in the production of unique materials, devices, and systems.

Conferences and Technical Programs

August 3-5
OPTICAL AMPLIFIERS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS TOPICAL MEETING, Breckenridge, Colorado. Abstract Deadline: April 4, 1994. Technical Meeting, Tabletop Exhibit.
August 22-24
HIGH FIELD INTERACTIONS AND SHORT WAVELENGTH GENERATION TOPICAL MEETING, St. Malo, France. Abstract Deadline: April 15, 1994. Technical Meeting, Tabletop Exhibit.
August 28-September 2
CLEO/EUROPE, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Co-located with the European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC). Sponsored by IEEE-LEOS/OSA in cooperation with EOS. Abstract Deadline: March 7, 1994. Technical Meeting, Short Courses, Technical Exhibit.
October 2-7
OSA'94 ANNUAL MEETING, Dallas, Texas. Co-located with ILS-X and the OSA Engineering "How To" Program. Abstract Deadline: April 11, 1994. Technical Meeting, Tutorials, Engineering Tutorials, Engineering "How To" Program, Short Courses, and Technical Exhibit.
October 2-7
INTERDISCIPLINARY LASER SCIENCE CONFERENCE (ILS-X), Dallas, Texas. Co-located with the OSA Annual Meeting and the OSA Optical Engineering "How To" Program. (For further information contact OSA). Sponsored by APS-LSTG, in cooperation with OSA. Technical Meeting.


January 29-FEB. 1: ADVANCED SOLID-STATE LASERS TOPICAL MEETING, Memphis, Tenn. Abstract deadline: September 12. Technical meeting, tabletop exhibit. - Call for papers

March 13-15: ULTRAFAST ELECTRONICS AND OPTOELECTRONICS TOPICAL MEETING, Dana Point, Calif. Co-located with the Quantum Optoelectronics Topical Meeting. Technical meeting, tabletop exhibit.

March 15-17: QUANTUM OPTOELECTRONICS TOPICAL MEETING, Dana Point, Calif. Co-located with the Ultrafast Electronics and Optoelectronics Topical Meeting. Technical meeting, tabletop exhibit.

May 21-26
CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO'95), Baltimore, Maryland. Co-located with the Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS'95). Sponsored by: IEEE-LEOS/OSA. Technical Meeting, Short Courses, Technical Exhibit.
May 21-26
QUANTUM ELECTRONICS AND LASER SCIENCE CONFERENCE (QELS'95), Baltimore, Maryland. Co-located with the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'95). Sponsored by: APS-LSTG/IEEE-LEOS/OSA. Technical Meeting, Technical Exhibit.
June 11-14

September 10-15
OSA'95 ANNUAL MEETING, Portland, Oregon. Co-located with ILS-XI and the OSA Engineering "How To" Program. Technical Meeting, Tutorials, Engineering Tutorials, Engineering "How To" Program, Short Courses, and Technical Exhibit.
September 10-15
INTERDISCIPLINARY LASER SCIENCE CONFERENCE (ILS-XI), Portland, Oregon. Co-located with the OSA Annual Meeting and the OSA Optical Engineering "How To" Program. (For further information contact OSA). Sponsored by APS-LSTG, in cooperation with OSA. Technical Meeting.

For general questions or comments please e-mail sbornt@osa.org.