(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
National Energy Research Supercomputer Center
Welcome to the NERSC Home Page
The National Energy Research Supercomputer Center (NERSC), located at the
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL),
is the principal supplier of production high-performance computing and
networking services to the nationwide energy research community. The programs directly
supported by NERSC in the
Department of Energy's Office of Energy Research include the
Office of Scientific Computing, Fusion Energy, Basic Energy Sciences, High
Energy and Nuclear Physics, and Health and Environmental Research.
Scientists funded by these programs access the
supercomputing resources at NERSC via the
Energy Sciences network (ESnet).
This is NERSC's hypermedia information service on the
World Wide Web.
Each highlighted (or underlined) phrase represents a hyperlink to another document.
Click on any highlighted text to explore other NERSC information, such as meeting the members
of our
taking a guided tour through our
machine room,
reading a short
history of NERSC,
as well as discovering the many other
World Wide
Web services available from this Home Page.
Drop in regularly for late-breaking news and current events.
News groups (bulletin boards)
Latest issue of the Buffer (April 1995)
What's new on the NERSC Home Page (Last update: 07 April 1995)
Current LLNL and regional weather conditions
MPP Summer Workshop (June 1995)
Notes from Town Meeting at General Atomics
Preview of Supercomputing '95
You have questions; we have answers. Fast access to the most requested user information.
Directions to NERSC and Local Hotels
Quick start for new users
How to request computer and storage allocations (SPP and ERDP)
Energy Research Supercomputer Users' Group (ERSUG)
Fix-it-yourself guide
How may we serve you? NERSC provides a variety of services designed to meet your high-performance computing needs.
User Information and Documentation
High Performance Computing Resources
File Storage Facilities
Network Services--ESnet
Science Education
MPP Preparedness: Are you ready for the massive one? Join us for a step into the future towards the teraflop...
MPP Summer Workshop (June 1995)
Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) program
Special Parallel Processing (SPP) program
Industrial Computing Initiative (ICI-H4P)
Advanced Computing Initiative in Science and Engineering (ACISE)
Parallel processing information center
In addition to production services, NERSC is home to or affiliated with many
research projects in the computational and engineering sciences.
NERSC Computational Physics Group
National Storage Laboratory (NSL)
Center for Computational Sciences and Engineering (CCSE)
Distributed Computing Projects
This page is currently under construction. What you see here is just a
sampling of the many sources of information that will soon be available.
Please watch this space!
We welcome your comments and questions!
LLNL disclaimer