(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
The Second International WWW Conference '94: Mosaic and the Web
These documents are no longer being supported
The conference documents will no longer be updated, but will remain on
the server for an indeterminate length of time. The old version of the main page, and
the documents it points to, are still available.
Check out the upcoming WWW conferences!
- The Third International
World Wide Web Conference: Technology, Tools and Applications, April
10-13, 1995, Darmstadt, Germany
- The Asia
Pacific World Wide Web Regional Conference, September 18-21, 1995, Wagga
Wagga, Australia
- The Fourth International
World Wide Web Conference, December 11-14, 1995, Boston, Massachusetts,
- The Fifth International World Wide Web Conference will be held in
Paris, France, in the Spring of 1996
Mosaic and the Web Conference - 11 January 1995