(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Other archives: pcpress
NCSA Exhibits
National Metacenter MetaScience Project
- A multimedia collection containing descriptions of more than 10,000
scientific research projects that utilized the resources of the NSF
supercomputing centers. Browse through a field of science or search for
specific topics and researchers.
Digital Information System
- A collection of information and images produced at,
or in connection with, NCSA
Grand Challenge Cosmology Consortium
- Addressing the questions of how galaxies are formed and the
origins of the universe.
- Spacetime Splashes:
Catching the Wave in Einstein's Equations
- The Scientist Workbench and the CAVE Demo from the NCSA General
Relativity Group.
- The Fractal Microscope
- Focus on fractals--an interactive tool for exploring the Mandelbrot set
and other fractal patterns.
- NSF HPCC Science Highlights 1993
- Descriptions of computational research projects currently
underway at the NSF High Performance Computing and Communcations
- NCSA Digital
Gallery CD-ROM
- Excerpts from NCSA's latest CD-ROM, which contains 250 Mbytes of
scientific images and animations, produced by
researchers from around the world.
University of Illinois Exhibits
- Introduction
to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Facts and images from the U. of I.
The Krannert Art Museum
- Informations and exhibits from the University of Illinois'
art museum
Other Exhibits
Champaign County, Illinois
- CCNet, A gateway to Champaign County--the community, educational resources,
agribusiness, small business, and health services.
National Center for Supercomputing Applications /