hide random home screenshot http://www.med.nyu.edu/nih-guide.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)


NIH-Guide to Grants and Contracts Database

The NIH-Guide is distributed weekly to via E-mail to sites that require information about NIH's activities. For a number of years now, NYU has supported software to allow the so-called E-Guide to be stored and viewed. This software is currently being upgraded to provide access to the E-Guide database via the WWW.

You are accessing the E-Guide using a server program which we have under development. Please send mail to the developers if you have comments or suggestions for continued improvements, or the repair of the inevitable bugs!

Follow the links to the guides for these years:

[1995] [1994] [1993] [1992] [1991] [1990]

SEARCH the NIH-Guide by Keyword or text string. Select the link to the correct client: there are bugs in some older clients that might hang your computer if you try to use the X-Mosaic client form. The functionality of both are identical, however.


Follow the link to find Guides from 1994 and earlier.


The software for the NIH-Guide database server was developed by
Ross Smith and Suzy Gottesman at NYU Medical Center. The server software will be offered as a part of the NIH-Guide Reader package for general distribution in the near future.

The NIH-Guide Reader package is Copyright 1994 New York University.