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Lynx Real-Time Systems, Inc.

Welcome to Lynx Real-Time Systems!

Lynx world headquarters has moved!
What is LynxOS?
Please fill out our survey!
What platforms are supported by LynxOS?
Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions!
Here are some recent press releases.
Lynx Synergy Partners Catalog
The USENET newsgroup comp.os.lynx

For more information, contact sales@lynx.com , or call 1-800-255-LYNX or +1 408 879-3900.

Lynx Headquarters               Lynx Europe

2239 Samaritan Drive            2 Allee de la Fresnerie
San Jose, CA     95124          78330 Fontenay le Fleury
Voice: +1 408 879-3900          Voice: +33 1 3085-0600
        1-800-255-LYNX          Fax:   +33 1 3085-0606
Fax:   +1 408 879-3920

Lynx Japan                      Lynx U.K.
201 Rhine-Hart                  48 Vaga Crescent
4-170 Chu-ou                    Ross-on-Wye
Kitamoto-shi, Saitama           HR9 7RQ    England

364, Japan
Voice/Fax: +81 4 8591-6017      Voice: +44 989-769-410
                                Fax:   +44 989-769-166

This page was designed by Catherine Watt catz@watt.com