Including rare scientific works from the Cudahy Collection of Jesuitica
A remarkable characteristic of the Society of Jesus during the period of its first founding (1540-1773) was the involvement of its members in the sciences. The reasons for this interest in scientific study can be found in the nature and mission of the order itself. Saint Ignatius Loyola considered the acquisition of knowledge and the performance of mundane labor as spiritually profitable tasks, and this fostered in the Society an action-oriented, utilitarian mentality sympathetic to scientific study. In addition, the role of the Society as the "schoolmasters of Europe" meant that the pedagogically (and scientifically) useful principles of rationality, method and efficiency were highly valued. The tight-knit organization of the Society created among its members habits of cooperation and communication, essential for the gathering and exchange of scientific information. Finally, mission work in Asia and the Americas gave the Jesuits opportunities and impetus to study and record the phenomena of these new worlds.
Introduction || 1540-1619 || 1620-1659 || 1660-1719 || 1720-1773 || 1814-1900 || 1901-1995 || Bibliography || Index
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Original display created by:
Eric Holzenberg, Rare Book Cataloger
Expanded WWW exhibit created by:
Michael White, Science Librarian
Special thanks to:
Br. Michael Grace, University Archivist