hide random home screenshot http://www.lu.se/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

[LU logotype] Lund University

This World Wide Web server is working as a starting point for Lund University. It mainly points out other information services. This document is divided into following sections:

General information on Lund University

You might start by having a look on some basic facts and figures on Lund University and on the city of Lund. There is also a map showing university buildings in Lund.

LUM, Lunds Universitet Meddelar, är universitetets informationsblad. Det händer vid Lunds universitet är ett kalendarium över aktiviteter fram till sommaren 1995.

A Strategic Plan for Lund University (Förslag till strategisk plan för Lunds universitet) was published in November 1994.

Information on Lund University can also be found via the Gopher server.

Departments at Lund University

Faculties / Fakulteter - Områden

Departments / Institutioner - Avdelningar

Projects at Lund University

Groups and Organizations in Lund

Student Organizations / Studentorganisationer

Staff Unions / Personalorganisationer

Computers and networks at Lund University

Information outside Lund

Special events

[O] Third International World-Wide Web Conference in Darmstadt, Germany, April 10-14, 1995.
[O] Cambridge Scientific Abstracts. Trial period until 30 May, only for Lund University.
[O] Dataföreningen: Kommersiell användning av Internet, Malmö, 25 april 1995.
[O] SFS Studentriksdag, Lund, 4-7 maj 1995.
[O] En ny nättjänst Föredrag i Lund ger dig möjlighet att se och lyssna på intressanta föredrag du ej hann gå på.
[O] Det händer vid Lunds universitet är ett kalendarium över aktiviteter fram till sommaren 1995.
[O] Acid Reign '95 Conference, Gothenburg, 26-30 June 1995.
[O] World Championships in Athletics '95 VM i Friidrott, Göteborg, 4-13 augusti 1995.
[O] Party Servern "Landet Runt" sköts av studenter i bl a Umeå men innehåller information om fler orter i Sverige. Mer information väntas efterhand.

Earlier events

Earlier events may still be of some interest. Sometimes you can find documentation on the events.

Network information

Network software

Commercial/other organizations

Good demonstration examples

Here are just a few pointers to nice Web servers:

Other local information

You can directly reach the UB2 WWW server and also get information on LDC services.

Useful information on WWW may be found in the handbook Running A World-Wide Web Service. UB2 also has described how to write WWW hypermedia documents in Övning i att skriva WWW hypermedia (HTML) dokument.

Karolinska Institutet i Stockholm har hållit en Internet-kurs. Informationen kan vara intressant även för andra.

The MS-DOS archive accessed not through a Gopher or FTP gateway, but internally through a NFS-mount of it.

Department of Economic is testing Mosaic services. The document server presents documents in a nice way. Using the Progress gateway you can query the UFFE database on student papers.

Här är en länk till experiment med MS-Windows-producerad eller editerad information i www-format lagrat på en Novell-fileserver.

Kanske kan en lektion om Multimedia för nybörjare vara av intresse.

Web Search Engines

Some databases and utilities may be of help when searching for information in the real World-Wide Web:

What's New

If you just want to check latest changes to this Web server you may consult the revision log. A new web structure is tested for Lund University.

webmaster@ldc.lu.se, 950419