(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
The Internet Movie Database
The WWW interface. aka Cardiff's Movie Database Browser.
All information provided here originates from the users of the database. example of how the internet community can provide for themselves.
..for the Internet Movie Database [Last modified: Mar 27] (License section)
..and the WWW interface [Feb 16].
Alternative access to this and other movie related databases and resources.
New users should read this
What's New [Mar 11] for you to play with ? and what Will Be New [Feb 06]
Informations about this mirror
- Searching the database...
- Search the database for a person's name. (for non-forms browsers)
- Search the database for a title. (for non-forms browsers)
- Search titles by
- Miscellaneous...
- List my votes. If you've voted for movies with this server, your votes are here.
- Database statistics.
- Some lists..
- On this day in history..(Celebrity birthdays/deaths)
- The rec.arts.movies top 100 films
and bottom 100 films.
- Top 20s of busy people, and those in highly rated movies.
- Some Famous marriages past and present.
- Academy awards information.
This year's Nominees.
Last Modified: Apr 19