(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Because of a number of technological and organizational problems here at UF, I've had to put the GSN project on hold. If you like what you see in these documents and would like to help, please email at my new address,, and I'll give you the full details. -- Thanks! Gary Ritzenthaler
The Global Student News WWW site is devoted to the idea of content sharing among student news publications, using the various technologies of the Internet as the distribution medium. The GSN project aims to provide a new forum for student work in all the news media, a new source of content for online student publications, and a new tool for educators involved in media education.
Want a better description? Here is an introduction to the GSN that appeared in the October 1994 Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine. A GSN-at-a-glance file is also available.
- Resources of the Global Student News project
- Other content-sharing projects on the World Wide Web and the Internet
- Member bureaus of the Global Student News project
- The GSN Press Kit -- a guide to the GSN for student journalists
- GSN as a learning tool: notes for advisors and educators
Help Wanted!
If you think the concept of student media content sharing is a good idea and would like to help, or if you'd like to submit your work to any of the GSN channels, please read the appropriate document below and join us!
Any questions? Feel free to contact the address below or any of the GSN staff. There also the resources above and the newsgroup alt.journalism.gsn for questions, ideas, or discussion about the issues and methods of student media content-sharing.
Maintained by: ... ... / ... ... last update: 10/01/94