hide random home screenshot http://www.ist.unige.it/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Welcome to CBA-IST WWW Server

Welcome to IST-CBA Joint WWW Server.

This server has been set up with the aim of distributing worldwide information on the activities that are carried out at the National Institute for Cancer Research (IST) and at the recently set up Advanced Biotechnology Center (CBA/ABC), both located in Genoa.

Recent changes and additions

HyperCLDB: Cell Lines Data Base hypertext (ver Apr95),

ABC Congress Center presentation (anche in italiano).

"Gruppo per la Diffusione della Cultura Scientifica" (italian only).

Evergreen info

Interlab Project databases, including information on:

IST Gopher server including information on:

links to: and to a selection of biology oriented:

This server is installed on an IBM risc/6000-320H and uses CERN httpd_2.18b.

It is maintained by Paolo Romano.