You've just written the next software bestseller and can't wait to reap the rewards of long hours of hard work. Or, your company needs to hire several programmers to integrate your systems and you want to make sure you're guaranteed satisfactory performance. Before you take the next step, be sure that you've taken proper care to insure your success. Is that contract you signed really a fair return for your efforts? Have you taken the necessary steps to protect that brilliant code, or will the pirated version be out before your own? And if so, do you have recourse? How do you go about making sure that you do?
LEGAL CARE FOR YOUR SOFTWARE, The Fifth Edition, is now completely revised and remains the software industry's definitive book explaining software protection law. It shows how to take advantage of it, and offers practical advice for writers and publishers of computer software. It includes tear-out contracts and forms ready to be used or modified.
The sample forms and contracts...may be the most useful part of the book. A careful reading of these forms can be as educational as the chapters they explain.
The authors write clearly and with plenty of common sense. It's hard to imagine a more useful or less intimidating guide to the legal complexities of protecting software."
--Byte Magazine
$39.95 USA
ISBN 0-7821-1729-5
Copyright © 1995 SYBEX Inc.
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