Job Junction contains career information, reference material, and an online job data base for employees (as well as a resume data base for employer).
...has a wealth of corporate and employment information involving many of the biggest and best companies in the U.S.
...has placed their employment and other corporate inforamtion in these pages, managed by Career Taxi.
...offers their Interactive Employment Network providing current authoritative resources for the job seeker and employer.
...provides job placement services. Employers can search resume databases as well as post job openings. People looking for a career change can submit their resume for entry in the OCC database.
...offers a book filled withs career information to help college graduates as well as seasoned professionals threatened by corporate downsizing.
Thompson Recruitment Advertising
...specializes in all forms of Employee Communications. From a recruitment ad, to a benefits brochure, to an orientation video, Thompson has unequaled resources to create the most effective, distinctive communications in the marketplace.