(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Pilot Online - Local News
April 27, 1995 (early edition): Top stories from The Virginian-Pilot
Virginia Beach and North Carolina officials have reached a settlement in the nearly 13-year-long Lake Gaston dispute. The two sides are expected to sign the agreement on Friday, ending four months of intense negotiations and beginning a 60-day political scramble to finalize the deal.
The 56-member crew returned at the Norfolk Naval Station on Wednesday afternoon. They gathered arm in arm on the tarmac, dropped to their knees and prayed. Then they traveled with police escort to a welcome-back party.
ON THE INTERNET: More news on the bombing, and a militia group responds. With new links.
It's here -- the wheel. The real wheel of the ''Wheel of Fortune.'' And Vanna White will be spinning it for 10 tapings Friday, Saturday and Monday aboard the aircraft carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower in Norfolk. MORE NEWS
Elderly woman's caregiver charged with forging her $5 million will
Representatives from religious orders and substance-abuse prevention programs appealed to Anheuser-Busch Cos. Inc. stockholders at their annual meeting in Williamsburg on Wednesday to study whether beer advertising encourages teens to drink.
Sawyer, a Chesapeake native and former track champion at Hampton's Langley Speedway, said Tuesday that he has agreed to drive the No. 27 Ford Thunderbird owned by Junior Johnson in the Winston Select 500.
COMPUTERS: The World Wide Web for kids. With Internet links.
MUSIC: The Dove Awards highlight contemporary Christian music.
A collection of the best work of 1994 from The Virginian-Pilot's photojournalism staff.
More Virginia news from the Roanoke Times & World-News.
The double-murder trial of O.J. Simpson, including daily transcripts.
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