(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Endangered Species
EcoNet's Endangered Species Resources
Endangered Species
Action for Endangered Species
- ESA Today
- Endangered species action alerts and news from the Endangered Species Coalition.
- Endangered Species Information
- Background on the U.S. Endangered Species Act and endangered species issues, from the National Wildlife Federation.
- Headwaters Forest
- Headwaters Forest is the largest remaining unprotected old growth redwood
forest in the world. This 3000-acre forest is located on the Northern California coast In March 1995, the "owner" of Headwaters Forest, the Pacific Lumber Company, (PL) wants to log the forest. Help Save Headwaters!!
- Earth Force -- Go Wild for Wildlife
- Earth Force is young people everywhere caring about the Earth,
getting useful information about the environment, sharing new
ideas, and working together for a clean and healthy future. Go Wild for Wildife builds on kids' interest in helping wildlife
and offers a range of purposeful actions that enable them to
support wildlife in meaningful ways - as individuals or in teams.
- Save the Manatee Club
- Currently, there are about 1,800 manatees left in the U.S., and they are listed as endangered by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
Starting Points for Internet Exploration
- EcoNet Endangered Species Gopher
- Gophers aren't endangered, but they carry lots of news about other species. Start here to tunnel to the brink of extinction.
- NCEET Endangered Species Compendium
- The links on this page represent a compendium of information that is available about Endangered
Species on the Internet, compiled by the National Consortium for Environmental Education and Training. The original source for much of this information is the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
- Society for the Protection of Endangered Species
- SPES has compiled a group of endangered-species-related web-links.
The Law
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered Species Program
- Includes Endangered Species Act full text, Listed Species Information and Candidate Species Information.
- EPA Species Information - Government Printing Office (GPO)
- Lists current ESA hearing documents.
- Endangered Species Act 16 U.S.C. Sections 1531-1544
- Appendices to Jackson Battle, Robert Fischman, Mark Squillace, Environmental Law Volume I - Environmental
Decisionmaking: NEPA and the Endangered Species Act (Anderson Publishing Co. 1994). ISBN:
- Endangered Species Protection Law Summaries
- Summaries of laws that have been adopted to regulate the import, export, and sale of wildlife taken from the Cargo of Conservation booklet, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)
- Full text is available from this United Nations Environment Programme site in Switzerland
Inventories and Databases
- 1994 IUCN (World Conservation Union) Red List of Threatened Animals
- This on-line database is searchable by region, taxa and threat status.
- The California Natural Diversity Data Base
- A computerized inventory of information on the location and condition of California's rare, threatened, and sensitive plants, animals, and natural communities.
- The Montana Natural Heritage Program (MTNHP)
- The Montana Natural Heritage Program (MTNHP) systematically collects information on Montana's
biological features, emphasizing threatened, endangered, or sensitive (TES) plants, animals, and plant
- Texas Threatened and Endangered Species
- Texas Organization for Endangered Species (TOES) Plant Listing
- Occurrence of Endangered Species in Australia
Other References
- IUCN (World Conservation Union) publications directory
- This directory lists Species Survival Commission Species
Action Plans and Occasional Papers.
- On the brink!
- (Newsletter of the Australian Endangered Species Program)
- Nova Scotia Endangered Species Recovery Program
- Endangered Species and Climate Change
- The Environmental Resources Information Network Unit (Australia) is in the final stages of a project which which aims to investigate the possible effect of climate change on the distribution of endangered
vertebrate fauna.
EcoNet's Endangered Species Resources / EcoNet / / Last modified: Thu, May 25, 1995