hide random home screenshot http://www.ifs.univie.ac.at/austria.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
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Informationserver in Austria

Informationserver in Austria:

Click on the corresponding city to get a detailed list of information servers.
Click on the background to get information about Austria.

European Home Pages : Map (Portugal); The Virtual Tourist (Buffalo); Flags (Netherlands)

World Home Pages: The Virtual Tourist (Buffalo); Nongraphical W.H.P (CERN); another W.H.P (Berlin)

Jan M. STANKOVSKY (jan@ifs.univie.ac.at)

University of Vienna
Institute of Applied Computer Science and Information Systems
Korrekturen und Informationen über neue WWW-Server in Österreich bitte an www-register@ifs.univie.ac.at