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...the International Student Festival in Trondheim

Human rights information

Newest updates

The many speakers who attended ISFiT-94 include famous speakers like Dalai Lama, Taslima Nasrin and Nafis Sadiq. Now you can read their speeches.
We have all the manuscripts in writing, and only a very few very given to us on disks. All manuscripts will be "converted" in the end.

Also updated:

Our AI [logo] page has grown to become much bigger than it used to be. Check it out!

Gopher sites

The sites below contain a very large amount of information:
  • [Image: gopher-menu] 1995 Annual Reports on Human Rights by the U.S. State Department [ftp.voa.gov] (OBS 1995!)
  • [Image: gopher-menu] Institute for global communication's gopher. Lot's of relevant stuff here on Human Rights, Peace and Preservation of the Environment. There are also separate sections for Women's Information, Trade, Education , Labor Issues and more.

    IGC also has World Wide Web pages!

  • [Image: gopher-menu] Garnet.berkeley.edu also has interresting material. These are some of the sections: Economy, Peace, Racism, Human Rights, Gender and Sexuality.
  • [Image: gopher-menu] U.S. State Departement reports on human rights are found at cyfer.esuda.gov. There is one report for almost every country in the world. These are from 1993.
  • [Image: gopher-menu] The United Nations' gopher
  • [Image: gopher-menu] Human Rights - documents and conventions from libaccess.essex.ac.uk

    The same conventions are found in the U.S.A at
    [Image: gopher-menu] gopher.law.cornell.edu

  • Other WWW sites

    News groups

    There are many more newsgroups related to human rights than soc.rights.human, but they are not in the ordinary 'big 7' hierarchy, and are thus only carried by sites with special agreements. ISFiT were also planning its own newsgroup, but that failed. ISFiT discussion takes place in the newsgroup unit.udusken.

    Related events

    East Timor has been occupied by Indonesia for years, and TimorNet has lots of information on the subject, including the human rights situation there.

    The Rwanda crisis is slipping out of sight in media, so it's not so "hot" anymore, but if you want information, it is found here, www.intac.com.

    Information on the hunger and famine problems are found at http://www.hunger.brown.edu/hungerweb/ .

    [Image: gopher-menu] The UN Conference on Population and Development has lots of information especially on population and women's rights. (We have links to a collection of stuff by Dr. Nafis Sadiq, who spoke at ISFiT (after Cairo))

    Search results

    The Internet contains too much information for anyone to have a complete overview. There are therefore many different search tools and subject lists available. Below are the most fruitful of those searches we have conducted so far. More might be added.

    Note: The searches I made, was done in May 94. With the present growth rate of the Internet and the WWW, a lot of information sources might be missing from these result-pages. You could try to perform your own search using any of the search possibilities listed at mcom.com

    Results from:
    Veronica, an overview of all gophers in the world. This list has been slightly edited - but is still long.
    Results from:
    HUMAN RIGHTS as keywords by Galaxy search service
    Results from:
    Gopher-space (performed by Galaxy search service)
    Results from:
    RIGHTS as keywords by Galaxy search service
    If you are Norwegian, you might want to perform your own search in the national university library database BIBSYS (or through BIBSYS (via UiT)).

    You might want to look at the list found June 7th 1994 for the available books at Norwegian Universities on all aspects of human rights.

    Amnesty International

    Press the AI logo to go to our page with more links.

    National documents on Human Rights

    These documents may have both historical and present day interest.

    Local files

    Below is a list of stuff that are related to human rights. It has been collected from various places in cyberspace, mostly gophers.

    Remark: Some of the links may be of no interest to you, and any link may be unavailable at any time. This service is provided as is.

    This page was made by , Nils Andreas Thommesen

    This page was made primo May 94, being the first WWW site dedicated to Human Rights. Later, many others have entered the web. Last update: March 8, 1995

    If you have any comments or come from a country not listed below, please send me email (to the address mentioned above).

    This page has been requested by hosts located in more than 50 countries worldwide, including Bermuda, South Africa, Iceland, Australia, Singapore, Slovenia, Soviet Union, Greece, Israel, Italy, USA, UK, New Zealand, Ireland, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Portugal, Canada, Germany, Czhech Republic, Japan, Iceland, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, China, Costa Rica, Switzerland, Estonia, France, Brazil, Spain, Lithuenia, Luxembourg, India, Slovakia, Russia, Hong Kong, Korea (South), Thailand, Taiwan, Cook Islands, Turkey, Ecuador, Kuwait, Malaysia, Argentina, Chile, Egypt, the Phillipines, Peru and Mexico. There are also a number of unrecognized numeric hosts, as well as country-independant domains like "net", "org" and "com".

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