Welcome to the Galter Health Sciences Library at Northwestern University. Use this information server to find out about library services, connect to databases such as MEDLINE and retrieve other health related information. The following resource areas are available, click on underlined words to make a link to more information:
Resources are added on a monthly basis to our system. To find out what has been added, select this area.
Check out this area for reading library guides, such as How to Use MEDLINE. You'll also find such things as the library hours, newsletters and Renovation Alerts. And you can even become more familiar with the library staff by viewing staff profiles.
The Internet offers many research tools and information. We've put the best ones in this area. Find out what's out there!
If you need help with your health science education and would like to find out what the Internet has to offer, check out this area! We've scoured the Internet and have made links to the most noteworthy of the education aids.
The Galter Library Student Resource List is also located in this area.
Check out this area if you need help in a clinical setting. We've combed the Internet for reliable information. Find out what it's all about!
This area contains resources that are available at other NU organizations as well as links to other universities' on-line catalogs. You'll also find links to further Internet exploration.
Dollie's Corner is a place to visit when you need to relax and unwind. We've organized this area like your local bookstore, and have filled the shelves with exciting new resources! So pull up a chair and sit awhile!