(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Erice Interdisciplinary Crystallographic Meetings
- An Introduction
- Summary of Crystallographic Activity at Erice
- Crystallography of Supramolecular Compounds, Erice, 1 - 11 June 1995
- X-Ray and Neutron Dynamical Diffraction - Theory and Applications, Erice, 9-21 April 1996
- Experimental and Computational Approaches to Structure Based Drug Design, Erice, May 1996
- Electron Crystallography, 23 May to 4 June 1997
- Direct Methods of Solving Macromolecular Structures, 23 May to 4 June 1997
- Static, Kinematic and Dynamic Aspects of Crystal and Molecular Structures, 28 May to 7 June 1998
- Extramolecular Interactions in Crystals, May 12 to 23, 1999
- Crystallography of Molecular Biology, 26 May to 4 June 2000
Dec 12 1994, revised 1 Jan 1995, 3 April 1995, maintained by Lodovico Riva di Sanseverino
Earth Sciences at the University of Bologna