Prot-Web is a Collection of Protein Databases which contain links to one another as well as links to other databases around the world.
NRL_3D - a sequence--structure database.
PIR(1-3) - The Protein Identification Resource Protein sequence database.
EC-Enzyme An Enzyme classification database.
GenQuest - The Q server. An integrated interface to the sequence comparison server at the Oak Ridge National Lab designed for rapid and sensitive comparison of DNA and Protein sequence to existing DNA and Protein sequence databases and the rapid retrieval of the full database entries of any sequence found in the course of a search.
REBASE - The Restriction Enzyme Database
A collection of information about restriction enzymes and methylases.
DOE Whitepaper on Bio-Informatics
The Journal of Medical Imaging
Report: NCHGR GESTEC Directors' Meeting on Genome Informatics
TBASE The Transgenic/Targeted Mutation Database
The Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank
The DOE Human Subjects Database
Dan Jacobson