(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
- Dpto. de Física Moderna de la Universidad de Cantabria (UNICAN). Department of Modern Physics (UNICAN).
- Information about topics of interest for our Department.
Guided access pages to other WWW-servers of interest.
Information about the www-servers in Spain.
Information searching services.
Local page for access to Medical and Biosciences services.
Miscellaneous info, as the first available 'Dogs W3 server' on the Web: includes Spanish Breeds promotion.
The information is officially mandated and representative of our
- Universitat Jaume I. Department of Education.
- The Department of Education of the Universitat Jaume I, Castello. (Spain). Exprimental in Sep 93.
- University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. GIAS Group WWW Server.
- This Server at "Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria" contains information
related to G.I.A.S. Group. Also includes not officially mandated information
about the University. Experimental in March 94.
- Fundesco.
- Fundacion para el Desarrollo de la Funcion Social de las
Comunicaciones. Contains IT related documentation.
- University of Zaragoza: Dpto. de
Física Teórica y Grupo de Sismología.
- Goya Servicios Telemáticos. Goya/EUnet Spain.
- Universidad del Pais Vasco (UPV/EHU), Campus de Gipuzkoa.
Facultad de Informática de San Sebastián.
- Acceso al Gopher de la Universidad del Pais Vasco.
Acceso a los servidores de ficheros ftp-anonymous del
Campus de Gipuzkoa y de Lejona (Bizkaia).
Obtencion de informacion acerca de los proyectos en
desarrollo dentro de la Facultad de Informática de
San Sebastián.
Informacion en general acerca de la UPV/EHU.
Includes officially mandated information about the University.
- Centro de Cálculo Científico de la Universidad de Córdoba.
University of Cordoba (UCO).
- General information about the city of Cordoba (tourism, History, culture, society, etc).
Access to X.500 (important for us) and other
Internet services.
Publications and scientific papers from this University.
In short there will be the 'Guide to The University of Cordoba'.
Lists software installed in this Center for Scientific
The information is officially mandated and representative of the University of Cordoba.
- Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. Departament de Matematica Aplicada i Telematica de la UPC.
- Contiene información relacionada con el Dpto. (docencia e investigación).
- University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. ULPGC W3 server.
- Campus Wide Information System (CWIS) of the ULPGC. Also contains
general information about Canary Islands (tourism, culture and so
Information is officially mandated of the Univ. of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Universidad de Oviedo.
- Se informa sobre todo aquello que se considere interesante: estudios, cursos, Masters, horarios, listas de acceso, Selectividad, etc ... En resumen, todo aquello que afecte a nuestra comunidad Universitaria. (Officially Mandated)
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) Location: La Laguna, Tenerife, Islas Canarias, España.
- This is the general presentation of Instituto de Astrofísica
de Canarias. We are using this home page to popularize the Institute developed information. This information can be outstanding for the astrophysics world.
The information is officially mandated and representative of the IAC.