(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
The Exploratorium is located in the Palace Of Fine Arts in the Marina district of San Francisco.
Welcome to ExploraNet!
The Exploratorium's World Wide Web server
Diving Into the Gene Pool
, a major, multifaceted exhibition developed by the Exploratorium, exploring genetics and the Human Genome Project from a variety of perspectives from April 8 to September 4, 1995.
The Exploratorium will soon have public Internet workstations on the museum floor! Keep your eyes peeled on this space to find out when and where. If you'd like to see our home page for this exhibit, including information about surfing, the Internet, and our hot and cool lists, click here. We are connected at T1 speeds so you'll see it work much faster than you may be used to at home!
If you'd like to see a list of the Exploratorium's telecommunications projects, click here.
The Exploratorium is a museum of science, art, and human perception with over 650 interactive "hands on" exhibits. Each year more than 660,000 visitors come to the Exploratorium, over 67,000 children come on field trips, and more than 500 teachers are trained here.
If you have any comments/suggestions for the documents on this server, send e-mail to
The Exploratorium, 3601 Lyon Street, San Francisco CA 94123