(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
- A Message from the Dean
- The List of Academic Departments
- Look here to browse through the different departments
that are represented on our server or find our about Interdisciplinary Programs
- Research Activities
- Look here to find information about the various research
centers, consortia, and groups on the engineering campus.
- Student Services
- Many services are made available to students of the
College of Engineering, such as:
- Faculty Directory
- If you want to find out about a faculty member in the
College of Engineering.
- Student Organizations
- There are a variety of student organizations that enhance
the professional development and education of the
students in the College of Engineering.
- Information about the University of Wisconsin - Madison and
the City of Madison.
- General information about the university and the where it
is located.
- Map tour of the
Engineering Campus
- Jump here for a tour of the buildings and a guide to the
sights and sounds of the engineering campus. (Note: this
is based on imagemapped images, and is recommended for
those with high scpeed connections.)
- Glimpse: a searchable
- This is a keyword based searchable database (similar to
WAIS) to help you find information on our server.
- Information about the Server
- Look here for an icon glossary, feedback to the authors,
or other information about the server.
- Internet Portal
- Our very own little "on-ramp" to the "Information
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Last modified: Mon Oct 31 10:25:41 1994