(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
This area gives a comprehensive multimedia guide to Stars
and Galaxies. All the text, audio and pictures are taken from
the PC CDROM Earth and Universe from BTL Publishing
Limited (+44.1274.841320) with permission and have been automatically
converted to display in the World-Wide Web.
There are many pictures, audio narrations and movies inside this
area. Please note that these are all protected by copyright and
you must not make copies or use the material in any way without
prior permission from Bradford Technology Limited
Using this guide
When you use this multimedia guide you will see the following symbols:
- Audio
- This is an audio file that will give an audio narration explaining
the section you are viewing. It often contains more information than
the accompanying text. If you are using a PC you'll need to make
sure you have a Windows compatible sound card installed. Some of the
audio files are big. Make sure audio works on your computer
first by trying this
small sound (5k) as a test.
- Movie
- This is a link to a movie in MPEG format. You need to have installed
an MPEG viewer on your machine. Make sure that the movies work on your
computer by
trying this small movie (5k, two frames)
as a test
- Proceed into Stars and Galaxies
Copyright 1993 Bradford Technology Limited, Armagh Planetarium and Mayfield Consultants. Automatic HTML conversion by Mark J Cox on Fri Apr 7 11:23:04 BST 1995
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