(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
WWW Servers in Korea
WWW Servers in Korea
Welcome to the list of WWW
servers in Korea. This list is a part of
the world list of WWW servers
(by country).
This server guides you to Web servers in Korea.
if you want me to add a link to information on your web server or to change
the description of your server.
Land of The Morning Calm,
Republic of Korea
General Information)
Sensitive Maps:
[Entire] and
[South Only]
Tourist Maps:
[Entire] and
[South Only]
WWW-Forum in Korea
Tourist Cities:
Send some comments and suggestions to
Last Updated 4/14/95 by www-admin (Nansoo Chyung)
Choong-ang Daily News
is one of the most popular newspapers in Korea. We also lead the edge in
developing creative services in new media. Our Internet server provides general,
business and sport & entertainment news in Korean. Please enjoy it.
Thank you!
[simple list of our service]: news on business, politics, new media,
sports, movie, TV, performing arts, weather, reader's input...
(Mar. 9. 1995)
Chosun Media
DACOM, by the year 2001,
expects to become a world-class commom carrier with 6,700 employees
and revenues of 2 trillion Won (equivalent to US $2.5 billion).
Daewoo Network Information Center
Dongguk University
at Seoul
- Colleges and Departments, Buddhist Web Lists
Hangul & Computer Co., Ltd.
The products of Hangul & Computer Co., Ltd. (Officially Mandated)
Hanyang University
KAIST, Seoul campus
Korea Communication
Korea Research & Development Information Center(KORDIC)
Kookmin University.
KTIS (Kookmin univ. Total Information System) WWW Server
provides Total Information of Kookmin University &
Electronic BBS using CGI-Interface.
This server is fantastic & the Lasest scale in Korea.
Korea University
Kumho Chemical Laboratories
Kwangwoon University
LG Electronics Inc. VOD STB-Team
General Information and Information related to VOD Set-Top-Box and
(Mar. 16. 1995)
Medison's main objective
is to provide better healthcare through affordable, yet technologically
advanced ultrasound. The collective effort in achieving this goal
is evident in the spirit and dedication exhibited by every member
of our company.
MIC(Ministry of Information & Communication)
(Apr. 14. 1995)
National Computerization Agency (NCA)
Seoul National University
Yonsei University
Dongseo University
(Mar. 16. 1995)
Pusan National University
Pusan Women's University
- Prospectus of PWU, Pusan tour guide
Kyungsung University
Keimyung University
Kyungpook National University
Inha University
APNIC Information Service
Chungnam National University
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
was founded on the national aspiration of becoming self-reliant
in science and technology and ultimate
hope to achieve the status of a leading-edge innovator in R&D.
During the past 17
years, the R&D achievements of ETRI have become the very basic of Korean
information and telecommunication technology, bringing ETRI
near the level of a world-class research institute.
Genetic Engineering Research Institute(GERI)
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
is a world class research-oriented University
in Science and Engineering in Korea.
KAIST Information
BioResource Laboratory :
BioResources in Nature and it's application to medical
science. (Experimental)
(Mar. 27. 1995)
Center for Artificial Intelligence Reaserch(CAIR) aims
at developing advanced information processing technologies
based on artificial intelligence to build intelligent
information processing system that can be exploited to achieve
office/industry automation and to enhance human-computer
Database Laboratory. The members (Professors: 2,
Ph.D course: 14, M.S. course: 11) of our laboratory are working
on various topics on databases. Major research areas include
information retrieval systems, transaction
management systems, knowledge base management, distributed
database systems, hypermedia platforms, middleware systems,
and so on.
Database & Multimedia Labratory
This WWW server provides lots of stuffs related to the R&D
Activities of our laboratory, NUCEL (Nuclear Chemical &
Environmental Engineering Lab.)
- PL Laboratory
- Sparcs
- Software Engineering Lab.
Since 1983, SE-Lab has been working on some research topics
on software engineering and educated many competent software
engineers. Its current research topics include software assurance, testing, metrics, and others.
Virtual Reality Laboratory
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(KAERI, NDE).
Nuclear Data Evaulation Team at Korea Atomic Energy Research Institue is
distributing the collections in the form of WWW.
Korea Basic Science Center(KBSC).
The Korea Basic Science Center
is founded in August, 1988, to promote basic science
research at universities and in industry. The Taeduck Headquarters
is building up a cooperative research system for academia,
industry, and institutes.
Systems Engineering Research Institute(SERI)
has opened a new horizon for this country
in computer software area by playing a leading role in developing
a wide variety of softwares and diffusing them throughout
the industries. SERI runs KREONet which is one of
the five National
Backbone Computer Network for the Korea research and development
society under the Academic and Research Network plan.
Hallym University
- Chungbuk National University
Theoretical Physics
Dongguk University at Kyongju provides
Prospectus of the Campus, Buddhist Web Lists, Kyongju Tour,
Virtual Gallery.
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)
- Computer Center
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Physics
seeks close cooperation between experimental, computational, and
theoretical physics and cooperative research and education through
interdiscplinary efforts with other disciplines of science and engineering.
Our research focuses on condensed matter physics, plasma & accelerator
physics, computational physics. Also the experimental labs include ;
High Tc Superconductivity Lab.
(Mar. 23. 1995)
Surface Physics Lab.,
Amorphous Materials Lab.,
Low-temperature Physics Lab.,
Quantum Optics Lab.,
Plasma Sheath Lab.,
Microwave Lab.
and the theoretical labs include ;
(Mar. 22. 1995)
* GSIT: Graduate School for Information Technology
** PIRL: Pohang Information Research Laboratories
Yeungnam University
- Museum,Library,BBS,Business Administration, Chemical Engi.
Ulsan University
Digital Industry News
is a "graphical" high-tech news database delivered
directly to readers' e-mail addresses three times a week.
This service is provided to computing and information professionals
as a FREE service to the global Internet community, in order to
furnish the latest news on business and product development in
computer and information industry.
(Apr. 11. 1995)
developed the WWW server program that runs in DOS, HYPEIT.
The KOREA.COM is a WWW server based on HYPEIT, for both
Koreans worldwide and any foreigners interested in Korea.
It supports 30 simultaneus users at the same time through T1.
We hope KOREA.COM help people's business a lot not only
promoting sales but also saving cost of Advertisement &
communication. Our company locates 3944 Third Ave. SanDiego, CA. 92103
(Mar. 23. 1995)
Korea University in US
(Apr. 12. 1995)
United Kingdom