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The City University of New York

The City University of New York

Welcome to the City University of New York

The City University of New York (CUNY) is the third largest public university, and the largest urban university, in the United States. It is an academic network of ten senior colleges, six community colleges, a four-year technical college, a graduate school, a law school, a medical school, and an affiliated medical school. CUNY's campuses are located in each of the five boroughs of New York City, and the University as a whole has over 200,000 students taking credit bearing programs of instruction, plus an additional 150,000 adult and continuing education students. Learn more about CUNY.

CUNY Computing & Information Services

The CUNY Gopher Server.
Other CUNY Servers.
CUNY Multimedia Courseware Development Initiative.
Resources for Teaching English as a Second Language.

Internet Information Servers

NCSA Home Page - National Center for Supercomputing Activities
NCSA What's New - Hyperlinks to new resources on the Web, and the latest info on Mosaic.
NCSA Mosaic Demo Document - A collection of interesting items on the web.

Internet Resources Meta-Index
A catalog of Internet resources maintained at NCSA.

National Information Infrastructure
A collection of Internet resources relating to the NII.

WWW Overview
The CERN Overview of the World Wide Web Project.

The CUNY Office of Instructional Technology maintains the CUNY WWW server.

Please send any suggestions, comments or questions about the contents of this server to CTRCU@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU