(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
The Literature Page
This time, we're doing an exercise in group authoring:
we're all going to get together and write a story.
Here's how it works:
- We all read the story so far.
- Anyone may submit
what they think should be the next bit of the
story. A "bit" may be several paragraphs, but
should probably be somewhat less than a page.
The submission procedure works much like that
of The Psychology Page and
The Dream Page:
entries are submitted to the server
submissions are available for all to
read, etc.
- After submissions have been gathered for some
time, we move from (what was) the submission period
to the voting period. During this phase,
we each vote on which new submission we
think is best.
At some point, the voting period is declared closed,
the "winning" submission is added to the running story,
and we return to step #1.
There are two ways in which you can figure out which period
(submission or voting) is currently under way:
- You can register your email address and specify how
much information about the aforementioned process you want to receive.
Details about this are here.
- You can remain completely anonymous, and just check
periodically for yourself whether voting has begun, whether the
set of submissions has changed, and so on.
To read the story so far,
click here.
To submit some text,
click here.
To read the current set of submissions,
click here.
To vote on the current set of submissions,
click here.
To register yourself or modify an existing registration,
click here.