(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Unless otherwise noted, these are all in HTML format.
Black Liberation
Other Subjects
Angry Brigade. Documents and Chronology, 1967-1984
Bey, Hakim. Permanent TAZ
Bey, Hakim. Temporary Autonomous Zone
Critique Of The Anti-Imperialist Cell by Group Barbara Kistler
(March 1995)
Davis, Mike. Urban Control: the Ecology of Fear
Debord, Guy. Society of the Spectacle
Goldman, Emma. Minorities versus Majorities
Goldman, Emma. Patriotism, a Menace to Liberty
If an Agent Knocks: Federal Invesigators and Your Rights
Marx, Karl. Communist Manifesto
Marx, Karl. The Civil War in France
¡Zapatistas! (Autonomedia) -- plain text (gopher)
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